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Mod question (altering panzer crew hat)

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I would create a backup of the original of course, then modify the hat sans the red triangle add the "deaths head" and perhaps add a new eagle. I would then use it when playing SS specific scenarios ;)

I have been wanting to see this modded since the game came out. Credit goes to AndrewTF for being the first to mod it, saw it in a screenshot of upcoming mod he's working on.

All due respect Andrew, I have all your mods in use in the game and think your work is outstanding to say the least, but the Totenkopf on the screenshot looked like a pirate skull and crossbones. I have some images set aside friom uniforms I would like to add/try out.

I want to see a closer likeness, if you agree and do it I shall bow out and down respectfully ;) Back to my main concern, how do I add the image in PS, and again I assume it miirors the other side since the bmp is a side angle view? If someone could shed some light on just how to modify the cap I would appreciate it :D

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