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How are the new afv commands working?


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This is ONE of the things I'm most looking forward to with CMBB. CMBO was excellent but I often wish I could take better control of afv's, particularly platoons of tanks etc., moving them from fire positions using turret orientations that I ordered. Drooooooool. :cool:

Are these being used by people to save ass?

The screenshots look absolutely awesome. Good variety of vehicles too. I'm glad BTS opted for the loads of vehicles/share textures rather than sod it/leave 'em out approach. I've ordered a PC with and extra 40G of harddrive just for the mods, not that I'm going to get every one of course ;)

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you now have much more options to use your tanks....see the demo for more details..

shoot&scoot is a fine feature

and with the arc commands you have a far better control...

imho the tanks are acting more intelligent then before and hiding themselves before they get hit by superior weapons...

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