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CMBO surrender


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On christmas day, I played a quick battle with a friend of mine. 500 points...(I had loads of

daisey chains and roadblocks while he was attacking

with dismounted infantry).

In 6 turns it was going very favorably to me.

So my friend surrendered..."I just saw the house in front of my advancing troops blew up in one shot."

(my 150 opened up too soon, killed maybe two of his guys but sent everyone scrambling to the rear . It was lucky that my 150 opened up at all

it barely had a line of site to the area but as they all fled back they ran right into a 75mm barrage which took 4 minutes for a regular spotter to call in (despite having a clean line of sight.)

My hero of the day was the 75mm infantry gun....

(mortar, stuart, half track, and various troops).

Had it not been able to pick off the stuart

at the first shot...

Happy holidays.

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