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Tigers. Now what?

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Played an IP game last night as the British,

Armor/900pts/Meeting Eng. I had 3 Churchills, two Kangaroos, 2 infantry platoons, 3 piats, 3 mortars.

My start zone was flat, at a high elevation, with a valley in the center of the map. German's setup zone was on the other side of a ridge. From my viewpoint, the first OBJ flag was at the bottom of the valley, the second a little farther away and on the reverse slope of the ridge.

My side of the valley sloped gradually, so there was no cover on the approach, but he moved cautiously, making it easy to hustle into position unobserved.

He had two Tigers and two Marders in his force. I knocked out one Marder, but the Tigers laid waste to all my vehicles and I was routed. I was aggressive with the Churchills, having one support 1/2 my infantry directly on the valley floor, then using two to attempt flank shots on each side once I observed his two Tigers trying to get into hull-down position on the ridge. I did have 2 flank shots on the left-most Tiger, but no joy. The other had turned directly towards the Churchill to start its own flanking maneuver, and they met head-to-head. This Churchill died in reverse. It was a gamble, because there was only the cover of the elevation once the "flankers" exposed themselves. He pursued to the edge of the ridge on each flank and was shooting down at the reversing Churchill. BTW, a piat team on the reverse slope of the ridge used every shot against the left-most Tiger at ranges 35m-55m, and got no results. I needed at least to immobilize it.

Should I write this off to no luck, should I have held the Churchills back behind some trees until he moved into the valley, or should I have tried to break far into his rear area and dragged his heavies away from the objectives?

Obviously, there is no "answer" here, I was just hoping some of the good players could offer some opinions.


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Guest Mikey D

Two methods I can think of:

First blind him. Lately therese's been more and more written about 75mm gun Sherman's (or Churchill's) heavy reliance on the "American Smoke" shell in the European theater. Especially since the AP was all-but useless. Smoke is about the only thing that'll allow you to get into an nice rear firing position alive.

2nd suggestion: Forget about your Churchills. Withdraw them to safety, make it an all infantry assault. Keep the woods between the infantry and the Tigers if you can. If you can't destroy the Tigers you can make them operationally ineffective by not giving them a target.

My 2¢

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I agree with Mikey. Smoke. If you have a slew of fire missions from FO's, smoke. If you have too few fire missions to "waste" them on smoke, there's a good chance you have too few to fire for effect anyway. So smoke. Tank smoke is good for covering immediate withdrawal, but not as well suited for advancing.

I think your initial plan to scoot on into the village (thus gaining control of 1 of 2 victory objectives) was probably a sound one.

If you could have found cover for your armor inside the village, you may have been able to work his flanks with sneaking infantry while entrenching the village with support crews to prevent his doing the same (in theory).

As for the German player rolling his Tigers up and making them "killable", don't hold your breath. He simply doesn't have to. Having achieved a hull down on the retreating face of a ridge, I imagine he was more than content to sit on high and hurl his lightning bolts at you.

If, however, he desperately wanted that victory flag in the village, he may have attempted to assault your entrenched position. This would be no guarantee of success for you, but he would have to roll his Tigers down the facing side of the ridge first, and then into YOUR village. Close proximity might even up the odds.

(a little anyway.)



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"Tigers. Now what?"

Four simple steps:<UL TYPE=SQUARE>

<LI>Run back to Omaha

<LI>Hijack a used landing craft to get back to England

<LI>Get a good pint of bitter

<LI>Proclaim your bravery to all and bribe your men so they never speak of the truth again

Hey, it's better than charging the Waffen SS, right? Do YOU relish the idea of going toe-to-toe with Tigers?! biggrin.gif


Honor, Duty, Courage.

Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...

[This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-12-2000).]

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Taking on Tigers/Panthers in open country is no easy task. Here is what I do when faced with Germans in an meeting/probe armour scenario.

1.Get at least 1 or 2 AFV's with cannons that can occasionally defeat the frontal armour of a Tiger/Panther.These would be allied AFV's with at least 76mm cannons (ie., Sherman 76's/M10's/M18's/Wolverines).These guns with an occasional (t) round can penetrate the frontal armour of a Tiger/Panther regularly at the ranges in CM. More desireable though are the AFV's with the 17 pounder or 90mm (ie., Firefly/M36). I get these weapons souly to kill German AFV's.

2. Get 1 or 2 good ol' Shermans with the 75mm and plenty of smoke.Even the 75mm can kill A Tiger/Panther with a flank shot.

3. Get a recon element with fast and fast turreted AFV's like the Stuart and M8. I like the M8, it has a fast turret and a ridiculous rate of fire. The 37mm on this scout is capable of killing a Tiger/Panther with a flank shot at medium range and will also kill most PzIV's/StuG's frontally at medium ranges.

4. Along with your infantry purchase a few extra AT teams and a sniper.

On to the battle:

Hide your AFV's from the start. Don't expose them at the set up to long range shots from superior Tigers/Panthers. As the Allied player, always remember that you will usually lose a long range gun duel against a Panther/Tiger. Take your few dedicated tank killers and leave them in a position to hunt shortly up a slope and veiw a large part of the map. Hide your recon and other tanks so they can move quickly to cover as they approach the enemy. Move forward first with the sniper,AT teams and split squads. Use these units to locate the enemy but avoid direct contact.If your opponent is brash he will move his armour forward without infantry support. Use the sniper to target open tanks from a distance. This will almost always cause a tank to button up immediatly. Often you can kill a crew member or even better shock a tank. A typical human player will fight his AFV's buttoned up if he knows the snipers are out to get him. Set the AT teams up forward of your advance if possible. Leave them in ambush positions where they are likely to encounter armour at <100 yards. Buttoned up AFV's will have a hard time spotting hiding AT teams. Always leave an escape route for your tank hunters. Try not to sacrafice them. Allow them to retreat to another position and fight on. Once the grunts have located and determined what you are up against you can proceed ahead with your recon AFV's and lesser Shermans. If possible move forward in pairs and spread the battlefeild as wide as you can. Use these teams to dart forward from cover to cover utilizing their speed and fast turrets to their advantage. Don't get into a gun fight with these guys unless they are hunting or moving. Try to get the German player to come after you with his tanks. Get him to commit to attacking in one direction. Use the AT teams to ambush his tanks as he comes forward. Try to get simultaneous attacks with the AT teams and the recon units you have forward. Ideally use a concealed AT team to initiate an attack and have the enemy AFV commit to defeneding against the AT team. Next use the recon element to manuever for flank shots against the German armour preoccupied with your AT teams. All the while your dedicated tank killers to the rear and behind the hill are waiting for their chance. Once the Panther/Tiger's are engaged in their fights with the AT teams and recon units use the Firefly's or Jackson's to move up on the hill and start sniping off the enemy armour from the distance. Hopefully you will neutralize the Tiger/Panther threat for this scenario once and for all. This of course is not an absolute winning stategy. Remember to be flexible and don't put all your eggs in one basket as far as AT weaponry is concerned. Use all at your disposal to kill tanks. Most players depend too much on their armour and are seriously demoralized when they lose a Panther or a Tiger. Take advantage of this. On the contarary I've seen players who are afraid to use tanks because they might lose them.



" the recruits are salty,they are ready to eat their own guts and ask for seconds."

[This message has been edited by Pedro (edited 12-12-2000).]

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I don't know what all the fuss is about. Tigers? Bah! All you have to do is rush them with your mechanically superior T34's. The 85mm gun should be more than adequate to punch through that armor and your numerical superiority should make the Teutons quake in fear.

Oops. I forgot. You've got whimpy American forces.

I guess you can always pray that the Air Force bails you out.

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Interesting replies guys. I am playing with Shermans and Stuarts, and I know my opponent has some Panthers. I'll use your advice to my best advantage.

Hey Mikey D, I noticed your bio says you are from Somerville. So am I! If you are interested in some PBEMs, I am part of the Massachusetts Minutemen, and we need one more player. Check us out at the Rugged Defense board, and email me (sensibletoad@juno.com) if you are interested. We need some help kicking Dutch, Virginian, Red Army, and possibly Great Lakes butt.



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yesterday night, I led a QB attack against US with infantry supported by 1 STGIII and 2 tigers.

the STGIII was shot by a AT gun but Tigers, well protected by my infantry, killed every guns and infantry they were frontaly assaulting.

as a last gamble, US player suddenly charged at full speed with 2 M18, on flank of my 2 tigers. M18 were in the plain, my tigers on top of a hill. my tigers rotated to face the M18 , but boom, boom BOTH MY TIGERS WERE SHOT in 30 secs , by frontal hits at 200-300m !!! they didn't have time to even shot a round !

Actually I was about to surrender after that ... But I continued and finnaly won after killing those 2 M18 with PZschreck and 75mm haltrack.

morale : Use speed, surprise and flank attacks and Tigers are not unbeatable.

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Interesting responses.

There are two counters for Tigers in my opinion.

1. Hellcats. As an allied player I usually buy Hellcats (Wolverines for British). These are very agile tank destroyers. Rush the Tigers with these in goups, but use at least four. You will loose some of them but they will kill the tiger.

2. Use infantry.

Always have a bazooka team attached to infantry platoons and try to ambush the Tiger. EG: Show your tanks to the enemy, then disappear. If he gives in to temptation he will pursue you and go past your bazooka team.

Hope this helps.

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Just realized Eric before me wrote about our battle. It happened exactly like that.

If you are lucky you even get tungsten rounds with those Hellcats and achieve the brief victory I achieved.

It was a memorable battle Eric. Your Stug however was killed by a 75mm hollow charge infantry gun round.

This is another weapon I heartily recommend to everyone: German 75 mm inf gun.

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I think all you guys gave great advice, but I'll put my money on Pedro's strategy. I always use T's & KT's so I know what to fear & his tactics will get results more often then not.

Also, for the money they cost, Blackvoid is correct- 2 flanking hellcats will beat 1 tiger, always. But the counter to a flanking hellcat is another cost effective cat-The Puma


"Far better it is

To dare mighty things...

Then to take rank with

Those poor, timid spirits

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Theodore Roosevelt 1899

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