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Campaigneros...Let's Ride!

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A note to BTS:

We campaigneros love Combat Mission and play it to the detriment of our personal health, family values, community service, and national pride (except the Finns). We thank you again for this beacon of tactical military simulation light in a black coal night of simulations universe.

We campaigneros also love the (not much) bigger picture where regiments and divisions fight. We really are just matchmakers looking for the true love of the tactical beauty you've created. We feel that true love is the handsome strategic layer where we can make ourselves strong in one place (attack!) while becoming weak in another and hope that our supply lines are not cut!

We campaigneros also know that you have a million and one things going on in your head of which we are not aware of at present. We respect that but will continue to ask in appropriate and inappropriate ways for a strategic layer for CM. All I can offer is the promise that I will plunk the requisite greenbacks to buy aforementioned product. I think other campaigneros would do the same.

We campaigneros say there is more! The campaigneros could

(1) make suggestions as to the elements of this strategic layer in the spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. Get the ball rolling!

(2) volunteer our skilled and unskilled services in a way that develops and improves this product and maintains BTS as healthy capitalistic operation.

(3) provide for an endowment that would buy coffee or Coca-Cola for all those late night sessions.

The Campaigneros will not be forgotten! Hi'yah!!

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

CMMC, my son.

Let me second that. the Meta-Campaign game currently going on is a godsend. As a Batallion commander you fight at the CM level, but you can also function at Regimental, Division and Corps commanders and various staff positions as well. It has aspects og RPG and history (expect your Amazon.com bill to increase!) and great and dedicated folks. It really is a blast and you can STILL join!

The website (hopefully) to be soon updated is at CMMC at Combat Missio HQ. It has the names of who to contact. If you like the upper echelon's of planning and execution, this IS NOT TO BE MISSED [/promo]

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The following strategy might work:

Dad can we get a pool? No!

Dad can we get a pool? No!

Dad can we get a pool? No!

Dad can we get a pool? No!

Dad can we get a pool? No!

Dad can we get a pool? For God sake's yes! Now leave me alone.

The Campaigneros will not be forgotten! Hi'yah!!We will not be sidetracked! Long live the revolution! Viva la revolucion!

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Originally posted by Urban Shocker:

How much is BTS paying you CMMC guys to try and side track us campaigneros from getting what we want? How much?!?

We will not be sidetracked! Long live the revolution! Viva la revolucion!

They don´t pay us. They have dismissed our own intents to put our filthy hands on the code. And we have some very capable people to make the campaign layer smile.gif
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