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Problem with CMBO: Freezes on menus; no in-game 3D graphics.

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I'm trying to install CMBO:SE on my laptop. it installs fine, and starts up fine, but I can only get as far as the scenario menu without the menu freezing; as soon as I click on a scenario, and then "play scenario", it freezes and doesn't progress to the briefing.

If I alt-tab out and back in, it will progress on, but will then freeze once I try to go to the menu anfter the briefing. alt-tabbing will (eventually) get me as far as the actual playing part, but I'll just have blackness where tanks, troops, terrain, etc. should be. I have a functioning in-game bar with buttons, but no way of playing.

If I click on the hotkeys button, the hotkey list appears, but will not vanish when I click it. again, alt-tabbing makes the hotkey list vanish, but doesn't help with my lack of 3D visuals.

I've searched these forums as much as I can, and read the online help, but the only thing that seemed promising-turning off anti-aliasing-I can't do with my system. I am running:

Windows XP (home edition)

Intel Pentium ii 1.1GHz

240 MB RAM

16MB Trident CyberBlade XP Ai1 (someone else on this forum was haviing trouble with this video card I think, but not the same trouble as me).

Forgive me if i've left out any vital details, computers are soething of a forgein language to me. If anything else could be of help to know, I'll try and find it out.

I've tried updating my video drivers, and no luck. Any ideas on what I can try to make this wonderful game work?

If it matters, I've also tried the CMBB demo, with the same results and trying to run CMBO.

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Sadly I don't think that there's a solution for you trying to run the CM series on this laptop. The Trident Cyberblade drivers initially have a problem updating the 2D screens (requiring you to Alt-Tab and back to see the updated screen). The 3D screen just seems to be beyond the driver's capability to display correctly. The exact same thing happens with the Trident desktop Blade-series drivers too.

I can't find any registry settings to tweak regarding the Trident chipsets and thus there doesn't seem to be a solution for them.

One long shot (and the chances of this working are very slim) is to download a driver and extract it; uninstall your current video driver, reboot and then manually (not with a Setup program) install the driver. This is a process that has worked with a number of SiS drivers where the installation program messes something up, preventing CM from displaying the 3D screen. However a manual install of the drivers allows CM to work. It's doubtful that this will work with the Cyberblade drivers, but it may be worth a try.

One link to some Cyberblade Ai1 drivers is from Toshiba for their Satellite 1800 series (v. 6.4022-016B.22ICDNP, dated 11/12/01).

As a company Trident Microsystems graphics division no longer exists. It's intellectual property (and some engineers) belongs to XGI Technologies of Taiwan. Unfortunately your particular chipset doesn't have any drivers listed on their website since they were OEM'd to laptop manufacturers, they didn't provide the support for them. The Volari XP5 is probably the closest "cousin" to the Cyberblade series since it is probably using it as the basis for its core, but the drivers (which are also not posted on XGI's website) will not work for the Cyberblade chipsets.

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