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Is it possible_ BTS?

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Neat idea!

Or to put at least one aspect in a little more concrete terms, what about random flashes against various parts of the night skyline, much the way we get random rumbles from all quadrants with ambient sound selected.

And like ambient sound, this could be switched on and off for performance reasons.

Be just the thing for those massive Russian night attacks!

And BTW, BTS, any chance of hearing the Katyusha - Stalin Organ sound from the appropriate direction a few seconds (or however long is appropriate) before the impacts begin. Seems like it would be no more difficult to add than the artillery whine was.

Talk about immersion! Talk about striking fear into the hearts of those on the receiving end. Maybe there should be a "take cover"effect on all units on the map when that sound is heard in the distance!

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Besides the speed hit, the main problem is that the current engine does not support DL effects in any way. The re-write will probably see some of the newer, cooler DX8 features implemented. But there is no chance of seeing this for CMBB.


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