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Into the Woods (mod compilation preview with pics)

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I've always felt that Autumn got short-changed a bit in CMBO, it basically looks like Summer with a couple of colored trees.

I've fiddled and fussed with existing mods, made some changes, renunbered some BMPs, and have tried to fix that.

Here is more or less the way Autumn looks on most folk's CMBO now:


Not bad, but here's what I've accomplished with some fiddling and paint program time.




If there is any interest out there, I hope to get Gordon and Philippe's OK to provide this as a "conversion" mod with the next release of CMMOS.

A bit of this is mine, but most of the credit must go to the following great CMMOS mod contributors whose pieces and bits I used and abused for this: Ed Kinney, Gunslinger, Tom Klimisch, "Magua" Wade, Garry Kump, and Desert Fox.

So, are CMBO terrain mods of any interest anymore?

- Old Dog

[ September 15, 2002, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: Old Dog ]

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Just as a clarification, this is a mod compilation, using mostly existing mods with a good bit of creative BMP renumbering. All credit for the great looking trees should go to Ed Kinney, Gunslinger, and Garry Kump. Previously however, their work could not all be used in CM at once.

Looks like this compilation is a "go" for the next release of CMMOS as a "Field and Stream" conversion, assuming I can get it into Gordon's hands tonight.

Here's another pic of the final version as it will be distributed. Has a real Autumn feel now that I think was absent from CMBO before.


- Old Dog

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