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Report from CMBB Preview in Utah

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I hope everyone isn't sick of hearing reports about the previews yet...

Well, I just got back from spending the day down at Schrullenhaft's place playing with all the new toys in CMBB.

I played just a couple battles, but it was enough to impress me. In one I had a Finnish platoon up against a few companies of Russians. The changes in how MGs work were definitely noticeable, and my small Finnish force ended up holding out pretty well, even though in the end they were all overrun :(

Second game was Russians vs. Germans in an armor battle. I had a mixed force of KVIs and T-34s. Schrullenhaft had Pz IIIs and Stug IIIs. His armor did surprisingly well against the T-34s and KVIs, and I suffered some heavy losses in the beginning. Eventually one KVI got some lucky shots and managed to flank him, and I ended up being able to take out all of his armor. Formidable things, those KVIs.

As far as graphics, new commands, new units, and such, I was very impressed. The game looks beautiful and definitely has more depth to it than CMBO. I feel a little disappointed now, knowing that I will have to wait until September to be able to play it again.

That's all. Anyone have any questions, I'll answer them (within the limits I am bound to).


BTW- Thanks alot for having me over Schrullenhaft. If you are ever looking for a PBEM opponent, I'll give it a try.

[ July 21, 2002, 05:09 AM: Message edited by: Ami ]

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Originally posted by Ami:

I hope everyone isn't sick of hearing reports about the previews yet...

Are you on dope?! :D

1. What did you think of the death clocks?

2. How complete did the game feel/look?

3. Do you think you'll ever play CMBO again even though CMBB is going to be better?

[ July 21, 2002, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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1. There were numerous times when the Death Clock came into play and my tanks continued to fire on his, and vice versa. They were a nice touch, and added more suspense to the armor engagements.

2. This is touchy because I don't know exactly how much I'm allowed to say, but it seemed pretty complete to me. There are definitely still things to be finished, but overall the game seemed close to complete.

3. Ha! I just barely started a battle in CMBO. I'll keep playing it, but that won't stop me from wishing and pining for CMBB to come out.


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Green Hornet-

I don't know exactly how they have changed the MGs, but you can probably find something at the CMBB FAQ: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=022774 or do a search.

Where I most noticed the change was in the Finnish scenario. I had one MG covering an area and the Russians that tried to cross it had a heck of a time. It alone wasn't enough to stop the attack cold, but it made a big difference (forgot to check after the battle how many casualties he inflicted :( ), and I can imagine it would have been much different had I had artillery to call in on the suppressed troops, multiple MGs at work, or troops to launch a counterattack.

Bottomline- and I am not the first, and won't be the last to say it- MGs in CMBB are a different animal than they were in CMBO, and many, if not all, players will have to greatly change how they tackle an MG defense.


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