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CMBB 1.02 upgrade to 1.03 causes lock-up

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Help Please!!!!!

System: Dell Pentium 4, Wins ME, 256.0MB Ram

32 mb Nvidia Ge Force 2 GTS

Memory, plenty!

Problem: While playing in multi player battles, my CPU system locks-up after down-loading other players move and processing move. Freezes on my end, yet plays on other players system.

This did not occur prior to up-grading to 1.03 patch.

Comments: Game playes fine in single player mode. Also experienced this same problem with CMBO after downloading patch.

I would be greatful for any assistance in solving this problem.

Thank you,


[ July 03, 2003, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: Hwyranger ]

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Which version the game do you have ? Is it a BFC (over the Internet purchase) or a CDV release (purchased from retail) ? Obviously if the game is working (just loading up) you've installed the correct patch. And since you mention that you went from 1.02 to 1.03, you also got all of the patches installed correctly (they're not cumulative - you have to apply each one from your original to the current version to get all of the relevant files).

This is a problem that happened in CMBO when crews were captured. It was fixed in CMBB 1.0 when the TCP/IP routines were completely rewritten. I've heard of some people complain about this problem, but it is so infrequent that I don't know of any answer.

I suggest playing the 'saved game' that is on your computer and see if the game can continue (it most likely won't). If it continues to be a problem, then I suggest emailing either matt@battlefront.com or support@battlefront.com (but just one, not both) and explain the details of your problem along with the saved game file. Hopefully they'll have some time to look over the data and see if they can find a problem or not (they are currently working on CMAK, so they may not get back to you immediately with a solution). Admittedly if it does turn out to be a bug, there will be no forthcoming fix to my knowledge since CMBB has received its final patch with 1.03.

[ July 04, 2003, 10:06 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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I first want to thank you for taking the time in attempting to help me out.

Yes you are correct, the game was purchased by CDV retail. I will follow up with your suggestions. The problem only occurs when Im fighting another opponent.

Eventually, if no outcome to this problem is found, I could do a deinstall and reinstall to only the 1.02 version. It was working fine, so what I dont know, wont hurt me. The only draw back is I believe I wouldnt be able to do battle with 1.03 opponents.

Thanks again


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