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What is CMMOS and should I get it?

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CMMOS is "CM Mod Option Selector". It is a utility that allows swapping different mods and different options for mods (e.g., unit markings, aerial recognition panels, etc.) with a couple of clicks of the mouse. A rule-set is the CMMOS terminology for a group of related mods (e.g., Dirty Grey German Vehicles", "Winter Soviet Vehicles", "Buildings", etc.

I believe it's a useful tool, but then again, I could be biased. smile.gif


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I think you should get it.

I skipped it back in the old days, when I played CMBO, and didn't miss it much. CMBO's graphics weren't exactly splendiferous - I picked my mods, slapped 'em in, and played the game.*

But I looked forward to it and snapped it up first-thing when the CMBB-compatible version showed up. It's even slicker and easier to use than previous versions and more importantly, given CMBBs improved graphics, I'll want to play around with mods more.

*Hmm... IIRC most of the Allied vehicles used Gordon's skins anyway. smile.gif

[ November 19, 2002, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: Tarqulene ]

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