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correct forum for scenario questions

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I've posted and even bumped a couple questions i've posted in the thread i started called fear in the fog - while i understand that this forum is probably slower than CMBB because folks have moved on and this is likely to result in slow replies...

it has made me think may be i should check on what others think about where i should be asking these questions

the couple questions in the fear in fog thread are about that specific scenario - and while i supposed i could post it scenario talk, i basically haven't because i was thinking the majority of the users of CM still playing BO would be more likely to visit here - further, the scenario talk forum appears dominated by BB discussion just as you'd expect since it's the newer game

so, should i just i take my scenario questions over there or post'em here?

P.S. the questions are probably both applicable beyond that scenrio though

[ December 08, 2002, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: easytarget ]

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Any questions you might have about a specific scenario could be posted in the scenario forum. Even though most of the posts in that forum are CMBB related, it is still perfectly acceptable to post a question on a CMBO scenario ( although you may have to bump it a few times to get your question answered ). smile.gif

In fact, I would recommend posting your question there. A lot of the seasoned vets that have moved on to CMBB will probably know the answer to your questions since they've already logged hundreds of hours on CMBO...and many of them do not check this forum any more.

If it's a general question about CMBO and not specific to a certain scenario, it is probably best to post in this forum.

[ December 09, 2002, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Green Hornet ]

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