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New Scenario - SL 34 - advice/playtest requested

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Ladies/gentlemen -

I just knocked together a conversion of one of my fav scenarios from an "unnamed board game" - in anyone wanted to try it out (on their own or via PBEM with me) I would be grateful - please email me.

I liked the original because of the mix of British and American troops.

I'm also using one of the maps I got from the ASL 2 CM site - I did two of the mapboards on my own but I used the Map 1 file almost verbatim. I would like to credit the person who designed this map so if anyone can advise me on that, I'd be appreciative.




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Ladies/gentlemen -

I just knocked together a conversion of one of my fav scenarios from an "unnamed board game" - in anyone wanted to try it out (on their own or via PBEM with me) I would be grateful - please email me.

I liked the original because of the mix of British and American troops.

I'm also using one of the maps I got from the ASL 2 CM site - I did two of the mapboards on my own but I used the Map 1 file almost verbatim. I would like to credit the person who designed this map so if anyone can advise me on that, I'd be appreciative.




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Pascal, thanks for your valuable advice on the map and your sharp eye regarding the orphan SS unit.

Treeburst155 and I are approaching the end of a playtest and he's managed to give me some valuable advice (in the form of a sound beating!!). Version 1.1 of this scenario is now available on my site (link below).

Pascal, I shortened the game by ten turns and changed the German forces north of the river slightly. The added burden of time means the Allied player can't be as conservative with his armour as he might like.

Still looking for feedback, especially with the new changes.



[This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 02-18-2001).]

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Pascal, thanks for your valuable advice on the map and your sharp eye regarding the orphan SS unit.

Treeburst155 and I are approaching the end of a playtest and he's managed to give me some valuable advice (in the form of a sound beating!!). Version 1.1 of this scenario is now available on my site (link below).

Pascal, I shortened the game by ten turns and changed the German forces north of the river slightly. The added burden of time means the Allied player can't be as conservative with his armour as he might like.

Still looking for feedback, especially with the new changes.



[This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 02-18-2001).]

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