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newbie help?

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Hi all,

Believe it or not I just started getting into CMBO! I've been playing the demo for a few days now and loving it! Not sure, how I missed such a great game...

I went ahead and ordered the combo bundle.

In the meantime, I started checking out all the mods available and to say the least I'm a little overwhelmed!

Could anyone give me any advice, on "must have" mods or at least a direction to start in?

Thanks so much!


[ October 09, 2002, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: AstroCat ]

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Welcome....CMBO and CMBB are "better than toast." Here's some links:

http://www.combatmission.com/ (look under 3rd party mods) ...there's also some nice AARs, my fav is under "Archives," it's the "Alpha Battle AAR" of Fionn vs. Moon back during the Alpha testing...a *must read*



http://cmoutpost.net/links.htm which is CM Outpost : my fav, due to the GREAT comparison shots...more ppl should use them. But I don't have the URL here at work...anyone know it?

http://www.militarygameronline.com/TCMHQ/index.html - has a GREAT total mod for the Ardennes/Bulge setting- any snow setting really.

http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pawbroon/ Good mods, also a nice AAR of Fionn vs. The_Capt

http://www.geocities.com/desertfox1891/ has conversions to the Africa front (just desert-camo skins, not new units of course)

http://www.wargamer.com/cm/cmworld/downloads.asp lists a few "full conversion mods" so that the game appears at Russian front, Africa front, etc. You would have to reload a lot of mods (maybe just reload the .bmp folder from the CD) to go back to the "normal" W.Europe front look

Good luck & Happy MODing,


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Welcome AstroCat!

With regards to mods, in my opinion there are no 'must have' mods. Just download the ones you think would look good in the game and try them out. That's what I did. I think many of us here have spent dozens of hours downloading and trying out mods. Actually downloading new mods is actually pretty fun in itself. I mean just seeing how the view of the battlefield changes due to these mods is pretty cool. :cool:

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