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I need a trick! - germanboy don't look in here!

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Hi guys! I need a trick to beat germanboy! you see everytime I drop 150mm Rickets on my troops heads he comes in and sweeps up! Anytime I rush my exausted guys up to his MG's he mows me down, everytime I advance on his Flamethrower positions that I know were they are, he roasts me... What can I do better!!?? my surrendered troops are getting tired of eating his K-Rations. frown.gif

all I can hope for is, the bits flying from my exploded Troopers and tanks hit his troops and set them on fire..causing mass panic and yucky effects.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

you see everytime I drop 150mm Rickets on my troops heads he comes in and sweeps up!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So don't buy Rockets.. (seriously!) wink.gif

Given their horrible accuracy, on anything other than a really large (1000x1000 or bigger) map, they tend to end up doing as much damage to your own troops as the enemy's. Go with smaller stuff or 105 tube arty.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Anytime I rush my exausted guys up to his MG's he mows me down, everytime I advance on his Flamethrower positions that I know were they are, he roasts me... What can I do better!!?? my surrendered troops are getting tired of eating his K-Rations.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sounds like you need to work on basic fire and manuever tactics. When attacking a position, it's always a good idea to have part of your force stationary and providing covering fire. Then, move your assault squad/platoon in from one side to take the defenders under fire from in close.

This can be expanded on by the (careful) use of artillery to soften up a target, closely (the same or next turn) followed by a conventional attack. Likewise, smoke can help get your assault force in closer without coming under fire until THEY are ready. Taking care of FTs is a lot less dangerous if you're careful to stay at least 50m away...

Hope these pointers help!


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Hi guys! I need a trick to beat germanboy! you see everytime I drop 150mm Rickets on my troops heads he comes in and sweeps up! Anytime I rush my exausted guys up to his MG's he mows me down, everytime I advance on his Flamethrower positions that I know were they are, he roasts me... What can I do better!!?? my surrendered troops are getting tired of eating his K-Rations. frown.gif

all I can hope for is, the bits flying from my exploded Troopers and tanks hit his troops and set them on fire..causing mass panic and yucky effects.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The easiest way to beat Germanboy is to give him tanks and put him on the offensive.

Other than that, make sure you have sufficient support from your plumbing units, especially the dreaded Marchetti Spigotto della Cucina Mk. 39e with the single tap and pull out spray. And give your troops plenty of Vitamin D. That'll get rid of those rickets.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest Germanboy


August 20th 1944

7th Army HQ, Southern France

Combat Command Sucre announces that a strong counterattack by enemy forces on the village of *censored* has been beaten off by a company of the Regiment du marche, supported by a platoon of the Batallion de genie, and a battery from the Regiment due Blinde (AT). Heavy losses against an all-out assault were incurred, but at the end of the day the enemy learned three things:

a) don't bring armour to a street-brawl when you don't have the infantry to go with it

B) when your IG 75s are faced by a platoon of mad French engineers, it is safer to surrender than have your throat cut (although it is no guarantee) and

c) if you want to hurt Germanboy's infantry and not your own, don't use rickets.

Numerous medals were bestowed on the gallant engineers who close-assaulted a MkIV tank, two IG 75 positions, and generally cut the German infantry to ribbons where it showed itself.

Brigadier Sucre had this to say: 'Allons enfants! La liberte ou la mort! Vive la France! Ze woman is not dead, she's English! Aux barricades, mes amis! Ils sont fous (sp?), les boches...' Encore une fois! Liberte, fraternite, gallentee'

Let's have some Pernod alround then.

Updates on the rematch to come.

3rd Army HQ announced today that CO Germanboy has been relieved of commanding anything but non-armour last stand defenses, for his ineptness when handling armour.



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ok what I learned from this battle.

1. shoot all 150mm Ricket FO's before they call in a single round.

2. buy troops lots.. ok mixed force (combined arms)

3. if Im am taking arty FO's Ill wait till they flattened the village before I move in (I think I can wait four turns out of fourty for them to come in, and another three till they are finished. (does not make an exciting pbem for the first seven rounds, but makes for a spectacular fireworks show)

4. germanboy is sneeky (that baguette brigade was a shocker) jk.

5. Field guns are amazing! but you need infantry support!!!

6. germanboy likes flamethrowers.

7. germanboy hates tanks unless they are enemy tanks burning in the streets.

8. I had fun and learned alot, and good tips from germanboy

9. I still have alot to learn wink.gif

10. I can't wait till I beat him cuz that means a) he was drinking alot while playing making mistakes or B) I actually am learning. smile.gif

gg germanboy

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Guest Germanboy


1. I'll pass the ammo

2. nah - just continue like you did before

3. would not have helped you

4. hehehehehe

5. shocking, old boy, they are indeed

6. yep - grilling your SS-Squad in that church was, pardon the pun, divine...

7. in which case I love them

8. good to hear that, now go and beat Berli in my absence

9. couldn't comment

10. That'll be the day



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