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Will there be...

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....trains in CMBB? Cause it would be fun to have railstation area's who actually contain some trains on the compound. Am I the only one who thought about that...or am I the only one who is s...never mind...

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How many armored trains there were in WWII? Were they common in Europe? I know in Finland we had two armored trains I belive, I don't know if they ever saw battle, though.

Does anyone know where I could get more info about armored trains used back then? :confused:

Thank you!

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I just read last night that it took 78 trains (of 50 cars each) to move the 6th Panzer Division from France to the area of Stalingrad in November of 1942.

These trains, contrary to regulations, were formed up as 'armoiured trains' with the tanks ready to either fire or dismount, troops in each car and flak covering it.

I don't know if they would be considered 'armoured' or not, or if armoured only refers to those trains with the specialized turrets and such, but it was great to read the account (Tsouras, "Panzers on the Eastern Front") of moving a division by train, and the problems they faced.

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