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Hurrah for CMBB, Battlefront and all...

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As a somewhat infrequent poster but avid reader of these forums, I would just like to say what great games CMBO and CMBB are. They give me many hours of enjoyment and fun and I only wish I had more time to play them.

I have games of all different types but these are the only onces I still play over and over again. In fact I should throw all the others away.

I would also like to say thanks very much to all who help and post on these forum. This is one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable communities I have come across and is a credit to itself.

If only all games were made this way...

To all at Battlefront, if ever life gets you down just remember all the pleasure you give to thousands of people ! Cheers !

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And how.

It's the humor at the end of the day from many posters -- you know who you are -- (ah, hell, maybe you don't -- Soddball, ParaBellum, Andreas, Gaylord Focker and Silvio Manuel come to mind) -- that make this such a great place to stop by to bring back part of my sanity after a hard day doing whatever it is I do.

But it also runs the gammut -- from the more sober and knowledgable posts from Grog Dorosh and Michael Emrys to the purple-faced spewings of our favorite mascot, Mastergoodgrunt :mad: :mad: :mad: .

Not to mention the dedicated work of the modders like Mr. Noobie, Tom, Gordon,Tracer and anyone else who makes the game look better than it already does.

Then there are the scenario authors like Rune, WWB and German Boy who confound us to no end.

Oh, and the BFC crew too I guess. :D

*sniff* Group hug.



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Originally posted by Axe2121:

And how.

It's the humor at the end of the day from many posters -- you know who you are -- (ah, hell, maybe you don't -- Soddball, ParaBellum, Andreas, Gaylord Focker and Silvio Manuel come to mind) -- that make this such a great place to stop by to bring back part of my sanity after a hard day doing whatever it is I do.

But it also runs the gammut -- from the more sober and knowledgable posts from Grog Dorosh and Michael Emrys to the purple-faced spewings of our favorite mascot, Mastergoodgrunt :mad: :mad: :mad: .

Not to mention the dedicated work of the modders like Mr. Noobie, Tom, Gordon,Tracer and anyone else who makes the game look better than it already does.

Then there are the scenario authors like Rune, WWB and German Boy who confound us to no end.

Oh, and the BFC crew too I guess. :D

*sniff* Group hug.



This is so factually inaccurate, and gratuitously fatuous, I do not even know where to begin.

With that said - Parabellum, who hates his first name, and Andreas are Germans, they are therefore genetically incapable of possessing this 'humour' thing you take about. In public no less! Soddball is a public school boy, and we all know what happens when they drop the soap. I won't even mention the others, because unlike that French soccer pinko, they are not worth it. I can let you know though that they are but a bunch of slackass posterboys.

Now, on top of that, I have been accurately certified by our resident shrink Cpt. Kloss as being a loser with a life so f*cked up that all that was left to me was to become a CMBB Betatester. I can also assure you that this German Boy you talk about is in fact nothing but a figment of someone's imagination and in fact my schizoid twin. On top of being a 2nd rate 3rd class scenario designer.

So, next time get your effing facts right before you post and waste bandwith.

In closing, I would like to add that CMBB could have been a much better product, if instead of the bunch of nitwits selected for beta-testing and graphics production, such eminent and respected board members as Maximus, Lewis, MG Mannschaft, GunnyBunny, and Fred had been selected. It is good to see though that the torch carried by them is held up to this day by the likes of Cpt. Kloss, Scatterbrain Kid and Licensed Fool.

I salute them.

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

And how.

It's the humor at the end of the day from many posters -- you know who you are -- (ah, hell, maybe you don't -- Soddball, ParaBellum, Andreas, Gaylord Focker and Silvio Manuel come to mind)


I feel so... emotionally... erect. redface.gif

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