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Puffer Fish

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Everything posted by Puffer Fish

  1. As a somewhat infrequent poster but avid reader of these forums, I would just like to say what great games CMBO and CMBB are. They give me many hours of enjoyment and fun and I only wish I had more time to play them. I have games of all different types but these are the only onces I still play over and over again. In fact I should throw all the others away. I would also like to say thanks very much to all who help and post on these forum. This is one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable communities I have come across and is a credit to itself. If only all games were made this way... To all at Battlefront, if ever life gets you down just remember all the pleasure you give to thousands of people ! Cheers !
  2. I just went on to the eb uk web site for a browse and lo and behold they are reporting a date of 11/10 for CMBB...moved from the 4/10 What is going on ? Can someone from Battlefront confirm this...I take it is CDV's doing. Will it slip anymore? [ September 24, 2002, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Puffer Fish ]
  3. Whoops posted message twice. This is the delete ! [ April 14, 2002, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: Puffer Fish ]
  4. I've also being doing more extensive digging through the site a bit more and found loads (!!!) of info on tatics, so that will help me in unit choice. I've even borrowed a copy of Advanced Squad Leader from a mate to learn more about vehicles so that will help I guess I've got lots of reading to do ! Are they are good texts or web sites you'd recommend ?
  5. Thanks for the advice (especially about the CAPS LOCK). I shall wait to see the type of battle then take it all in when deciding. WRT units, I'd like to try historically accurate forces if poss. On an aside - if you let the computer pick your units in a quick battle - how good a job does it do ? I've never tried this.
  6. Hi all, I'm about to start a couple of PBEM games with some friends. I'm relatively new to CM gaming and would like some advise on which units I should buy ? I've played quite a few scenarios but this is the first time I'll be picking my own and I feel a bit daunted ! I'll be Axis in one and US in another, so help on both sides would be useful. What are the main factors I should to consider ? I haven't got the map details yet so I'm not sure what terrain I'll be fighting in but I guess this is a biggy. We are considering playing Fionn's Panther-76 rule but I'd like tip my hat to 'realistic' force compostion so any good sources of info on this would be useful so it doesn't become too gamey. Hope this topic is not done to death or if so some useful points to threads would be great. Please help prevent my butt from being kicked from the turn one ! I'll try to handle the tatics on the battlefield !
  7. Hmm, a guess the little reponse means prob not so I guess it's time to DIY. I would like to have avoided developing any more skills but I guess it's outwith PSP and await results...wish me luck Anybody got any tips for winterisation ? [ April 06, 2002, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Puffer Fish ]
  8. Hi all, being a Brit, I'm trying to complete my British winter mod collection - sound likes like a fashion show... To that end, does anybody have any of the following in Winterised versions: Cromwell (all versions) Wasp Flamethrower MMG Carrier Universal Carrier White SC Humber SC Daimler AC Ram Kangaroo 40 mm Bofors AA I know Brit mods aren't as popular as others and I have searched CMHQ and other sites and have found the great work by Mike D, Pawbroon, Tiger, Andrew Fox and Gordon (thanxs to you guys and others) but am missing the above. Any help would be great.
  9. Thanks. I'll go hunting there. I'd checked all the other sections and forgotten the CMMOS section ! Why I didn't download all the CMMOS stuff first, then go looking elsewhere on the site, I don't know...
  10. Hi all, Does anyone have one ? The one I have by is from CMHQ and is done by Michael T Albert (are you still around ?)It is an excellant piece of work but does not have a winterised trailer...I'd do one myself but have no artistic talent at all. Since, I'm a stickler for completeness, this sat at the back of my brain all through the One Long Cold Day Scenario...but attention to detail wins battles I find, and I'm sure the crew of the Croc would fight much better knowing that they trailer was as cold as they are...hmmm... I site link would be great or an email to pfish@pogball.fsnet.co.uk On another note. I've just bought CMBO and am completely hooked, I wonder what I have been doing with my life for the last year and then some without this great game?
  11. Any chance you could mail me a copy too. Am new to CM and trying to gain as much information on moding as poss pufferish@pogball.fsnet.co.uk Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi Gordon, I tried to mail you the file at that address before posting here but it bounced with a user unknown. Can you check it for me. Alternativeley mail me with an alternative address at and I'll mail the file there (pufferfish@pogball.fsnet.co.uk) I'm about to upgrade CMMOS now, so I'll see if that helps. With regards to details in a post, I usually like to test the water to see if it is an well known 'oh just do this' before getting it depth. Seems it's not one of those :-(
  13. I have just bought CMBO and am really enjoying it and thought I'd play around with some of the mods. I am currently playing the scenario 'One Long Cold Day' as Allied and am trying to apply the Allied Snow covered textures using CMMOS but these don't appear to work. However if I apply the standard US and Free non-winterised textures these do change the vehicle textures in the scenario :-( The units in the scenario are marked as Allied so I am confused. Can anyone supply help with this ? Cheers v 1.12 CMBO, v 3.00 CMMOS
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