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Mine spotting bug/glitch...

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I've noticed that there's a breech in the FOW regarding mines.

If I, as the defender, set up a couple of minefields, then in the game all minefields will be visible to me even if they're beyond LOS.

The following are a few examples of what I can see beyond LOS:

- When an enemy unit detonate a mine, a small explosion is usually visible at the location.

This let me know about enemy presence.

- When a minefield is cleared (by engineers), the sign will disappear and I know that route is clear for the enemy.

The second part, disclosure of cleared minefields, is what bothers me the most.



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This problem is not limited to mine fields. The first part is basically the same as seeing the impact of arty shells beyond LOS (technically speaking). The second part is probably the same issue as "seeing" the destruction of houses or the start of fires (either terrain fires or vehicles that have received a top hit) without LOS.


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Originally posted by Dschugaschwili:

This problem is not limited to mine fields. The first part is basically the same as seeing the impact of arty shells beyond LOS (technically speaking). The second part is probably the same issue as "seeing" the destruction of houses or the start of fires (either terrain fires or vehicles that have received a top hit) without LOS.


I don't have as big a problem with these items as I do the minefield issue. Artillery impact would be noticeable due to the noise, dirt showers, and smoke -- though you are of course correct that one could not see impact craters without a LOS.

Similarly, "seeing" fires starting would be noticeable just from the smoke. I don't have a problem with that. I do agree, however, that it is a bit much to be able to "see" collapsed buildings without a LOS.

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My point is the impact it has on FOW.

Arty, fire and exploding houses reveal very little information about enemy locations and plans, except that I know there won't be any enemies inside the fires.

They all happen regardless of enemy positions and activities.

Mines, OTOH, do not detonate unless somebody step on them.

Seeing the removal of mines is even more off.

I was planning to design an operation where the objective of the first "battle" is to clear a path through a minefield during the night. The 2nd battle should be a surprise attack through the path.

If the defender can see every mine-patch being removed all surprise is gone... :-(



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