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more love for the tac AI...

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Quick Battle, I took a couple of Wirblewinds for support as the Germans, thought I was going to be Superfly TNT with twin quad-20s humming away...

Except the darn things wouldn't advance over the crestline they were behind. Early in the battle an M5A1 got itself immobilized in the middle of things, and I also am sure it must have had a damaged gun, because it never fired another shot after the first exchange.

But just because I figured it was harmless didn't mean my intrepid SPAA boys were feeling bold - a 37mm shell could still put paid to their thin-skinned turrets, and so every advance order I gave was immediately turned into a reverse order until I capped that Stuart.

Yes, I'm the kind of guy who loves watching his tanks get bogged, delights in slopes that can't be handled, and adores vehicle crews who behave 'realistically' by refusing to clank into needless harm's way.

I only wish that I could actually tip a tank over on a really bad slope....


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