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TRP - stupid question

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I've tried to search the forum to find the answer to this probably obvious question, but I can't find it. When setting TRP's, must there be a friendly unit with LOS to the TRP in order for it to be triggered, and if so, does it have to be a FO or may any friendly unit spot for the TRP? Is there any difference in response accuracy/time when spotted by a non-FO friendly unit?

(this is the kind of stuff that should be in the guide)

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When setting TRP's, must there be a friendly unit with LOS to the TRP in order for it to be triggered

No, because it's assumed to be pre-registered, so no LOS is required. However, an FO that is out of LOS will have a small delay compared to one with LOS. Even so, the response time is still alot quicker than without the TRP.

does it have to be a FO or may any friendly unit spot for the TRP

Onboard mortars can use indirect fire on TRPs, as long as they don't move from their initial setup location. Once moved they can only fire indirectly on the TRP by using a HQ unit to act as spotter. Also, any unit with LOS can use direct fire on the TRP with increased accuracy.

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