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Spotting Rules

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I am very disappointed with how the game is handling spotting. I still find it strange that even at a range of 1000m any infantry is spotted by whatever number of tanks ahve any sort of LOS to the unit. Doesnt seem to matter how many other distractions there may be, buttoned or unbuttoned.

I have even had tanks flanking and they still get spotted at almost 180 degrees by tanks on the far side of the map.

And its not just one tank that will identify a target its all of them.

This seems entirely unrealistic. Any comments?

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Are you playing with Extreme Fog of War?

Lots of people have commented on 'Borg' spotting on this forum. (If one unit spots an enemy, all the units on that side immediately know about it). You're right, it's not realistic, but you'll have to put up with it until the game engine rewrite. EFOW reduces the amount of info given away about a unit when it's spotted.

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