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Graphics Quality

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CMBO was basically an indie wargame from a specialist wargame publisher that succeeded way beyond anyone's expectations. It did so because it was and is a very high quality product that is both realistic, acccessable and (above all) fun to play, and the word got around.

Graphics were, at best, functional - it wasn't worth spending excessive time on them as the game's intended audience really couldn't give a toss - nobody expects a decent wargame to have stunning graphics. Modders worked wonders, but the basic engine (with tweaks) was carried over to CMBB, where it looks better (but not much). Modders will no doubt work wonders again... but what I'm driving at is that these games just aren't sold on graphics, so why waste considerable time and money on trying to compete with those that are ?

[ October 12, 2002, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Hertston ]

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well i just have to say the graphics in cmbb are cool enough to immerse me totally into the combat. just watching the animations while tanks fire and things explode all around you almost make me want to hit the dirt. and all this with a "dated" engine. my spine tingles when i think of the what rewrite will bring!

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