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BFC: A Simple Thank-you


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I have been following the advent and train wreck of another recently released tactical WW2 Company Level Real time game. (And no this is not meant to be a discussion of said game. Please take any such comments to the General Forum)

What that debacle underscores for me is the fantastic job you guys have done. The games you have released are done, not disguised betas that need major patching. They don't crash, the units behave as expected so that what I imagine will happen {usually smile.gif } does. Tanks back up and attempt to keep frontal armor towards the enemy, Los is consistent, and if things happen they happen for definable and rational reasons. Whether I like it or not.

I have played CMBO & CMBB QB's, canned scenario's, mega clashes for CMMC, pbems and TCP's. They all work, don't crash and have met and exceeded expectaitons

What this says to me is that you respect us, your customer base, aren't condecending and truly care. I have no hestation on buying any of your games in preorder, because they are complete products. Having been around since the original CMBO beta, I have witnessed that you do not let something out (no matter how much we demand!) unless it is as advertised. You have never misrepresented what's released. More important you listen and yet stay consistent to your manifesto. CM truly feels like a wargame designed by wargamers for wargamers

No doubt CM2 will take longer than any of us want, but when it comes out I am confident that it will be worth it, because of your behavior in CMBO and CMBB releases.

So thank you, and get back to work, North Africa awaits us all!

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