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Unhandled Exception Revisited


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I've installed CMAK and followed the suggestions outlined in the troubleshooting guide and in this forum but still no luck.

Error: Unhandled Exception c0000005 51028931

Screen displays "Scanning Disk for Scenarios"

Windows XP Home SP1


512mb RAM

Radeon 9600 XT

running 1024x768 32

Critical windows updates installed

update to resolve the problem with the #328310 Hotfix installed

re-installed DirectX 9.0b

Unloaded existing rivers

re-installed CATALYST Windows XP 4.1 Drivers

AA is off

dxdiag runs clean

all Radeon tests run clean

Hope someone can help

BTW - I really love te CM series, looking forward to getting CMAK running.

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Alt-Tab and remaximize CMAK to see if that refreshes the screen. It's possible that the 2D data isn't getting refreshed properly.

I'm not sure about the 4.1 Catalysts. One person in this forum already had problems with them, so you may want to try the 3.10's instead.

When do you get that Unhandled Exception, when you close down CMAK and it's sitting on the screen ?

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You may want to delete your CMAK install and reinstall it. Usually if there are no scenarios CM will just display an empty list. At this point only a few graphics and sounds have been loaded up, so the biggest culprit would be the executable itself (which would more than likely give other errors if it was corrupted). I suggest performing a disk check before uninstalling, etc.

What sound card do you have installed and what drivers are installed ? Do you have any problems with the intro music playing (looping, stopping, etc.) ?

I assume that your system is using ACPI and that tends to lump all PCI/AGP devices onto one IRQ. Some hardware drivers don't cooperate too well with that scheme (especially in a game environment). Unfortunately there may be little or nothing that you can do about this since Windows XP prefers ACPI as the configuration protocol (and turning it off isn't an option on many motherboard BIOSes now).

Regarding the video. Did you actually uninstall the Catalyst 4.1's or just install over them at some point ?

Double check to make sure that Windows XP isn't setting CMAK to 'Windows 9x Compatibility Mode' which will cause problems (right click on the launching icon and go to Properties, then the Compatibility tab). This normally shouldn't happen and usually only happens when an upgrade to XP is performed and CM is already installed.

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OK, I'll uninstall CMAK clean/compact the disk and re-install.

The sound card is on-board (Dell 4600), but I haven't had any sound problems with the intro music for CMAK or any other program.

I will check the BIOS settings for the APCI switch.

I uninstalled the previous driver using the un-install option in the the display settings panel before re-installing the new driver. However, it's possible that this was done at some time previously.

I checked the shortcut and compatibility mode is off (default)

Thanks for the help.

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The latest driver for the sound on a Dell Dimension 4600 (ADI 198x 'SoundMax') is dated 12/03/2003 (v. A12). The latest system BIOS is A07, dated 11/24/2003. Neither of these may make any difference to your problem.

When it comes to uninstalling video drivers, using the Add/Remove Programs control panel is fine. Sometimes an utility may be offered from the card/chip manufacturer to delete the drivers or maybe even a 3rd party uninstaller may be offered. These can often be preferred over using the Add/Remove Programs control panel alone (though I'm not aware of anything specifically for the ATI cards). However I usually advocate that the user reboot the computer and install the generic driver that comes with their OS before installing the new driver. In Windows XP this will be the 'VGASave' driver (the 'generic' VGA driver for XP) or possibly some included driver if it is an older videocard. With this installed, and a possible reboot, then install the new video driver. One other caveat; you may want to uninstall any 'tweaker' programs when you update your video drivers (and install them after updating them). The intent of all this is to remove all files associated with the drivers and hopefully any registry entries associated with them too. It may not be fully necessary, but on occasion some people run into some strange issues from the previous driver install.

Regarding switching over from ACPI to whatever PNP method your BIOS supports - this may be a massive headache. You machine may boot without any devices being properly recognized (since they'll have changed their IRQ among other potential changes). Windows may not move the device and drivers over to the new settings. This may result in you installing your hardware drivers over again (which could include lost network TCP/IP settings, etc.).

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I installed the new sound driver and uninstalled the video driver, installed the Windows XP driver and then installed the 3.10 ATI driver. I also changed the video card setup in the BIOS fron "auto" to AGP to force it to make sure that wasn't an issue.

Still no luck.

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Do you have the 'Rage 3D Tweak' installed or any other tweakers such as PowerStrip ? Did you have any other videocards installed in this system before the Radeon 9600XT ? Who is the manufacturer of your 9600XT (Gigabyte, Sapphire, ASUS, etc.) ?

Not that it may make much of a difference with Windows XP, but have you installed the Intel Chipset drivers ( INF Update utility) ? Does your Dimension 4600 have the built-in video (865G) or not (865PE) ? If you had the 865G, did you uninstall the drivers for it ?

Make sure that you 'kill' as many unneccesary applications/utilities as possible. I'm not sure what it could be, but there's a possiblity of some program interfering with CMAK (usually anti-virus utilities, but it could be anything).

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There are no tweaks installed. The video card is an ATI 9600XT.

I'll look into the Intel Chipset drivers. I have the on-board video. (865G). I believe I un-installed the driver for it, but I'll check again.

I nomally run ZoneAlarm and Norton, but I disable them before starting CMAK.

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I went into the hardware configuration and "removed" the secondary on-board controller. I noticed that when I did this, the resolution windows that come up when CMAK is started now only display once for each freq. My guess is it was picking up the secondary controller. Unfortunately, even after this, the problem remains.

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Do you have other copies of the CM series ? Do any of them work with your current setup ?

I have a 9600Pro, but haven't been able to install it in a computer system as of yet. However there are other users of the Radeon line that are at least getting further than you are in playing CM/CMAK.

Have you uninstalled and re-installed CMAK yet ? I don't know how much of a difference that will make with an Uhandled Exception error that seems to be generated by DirectX though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'vebeen unable to look at the problem for a few days, work and all, but I just started up CMBO and CMBB to see if they still worked. (they did) I then started up CMAK and lo and behold it comes up and operates just fine. No idea why. I haven't touched the system other then my kids playing CFS3 and other things. Of course, I also coded, compiled, packaged and ran a piece of J2EE code yesterday without a single error! Talk about scary, something in the universe must be lined up correctly smile.gif

Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it!

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