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Mortars and Trees...

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...dont mix. We are having an onging email discussion at our website concerning training accidents and this little tidbit came up about Mortars. Name is withheld for privacy. Initials used instead.

"On the subject of mortar rounds falling short, when we were attacking in Wingen, the mortar section was about 50 yards behind my machine gun

section and the order came down to give cover to our riflemen while they advanced to high ground overlooking Wingen. The mortar squad leader

forgot to look up to see if they had clearance from tree limbs. The first round only got a few feet before it hit a limb. BAM! We were lucky

that only one boy got a slug in his right shoulder. After that the leaders made sure

there wasn't any trees around the mortar when they set them up.

B.W. A/276 Weapons Platoon

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