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Two completely different suggestions for 1.02 (or II)

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I thought I had a brilliant idea, but when I thought about it some more, it's probably not worth the effort...

Anyway, why not use the idle cpu time during the player's setup/order phase to compute the AI's orders? But as I said, it's probably not worth the coding time, the AI order phase usually only takes a few seconds... But maybe something to think about for CMII?

The second suggestion is more simple (it actually already excists, kind of smile.gif ):

Give us the posibility to type our own Landmarks during the game, just like in the editor. With the efow, sound contacts disapears after a while. It would be good to be able to mark locations where you "heard" something. And in a recent game, I wanted to mark a hidden enemy "gun?" with "DANGER!", as it had just taken out one of my tanks...

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I have another,

Extreme Extreme Fog of War.

You can only see those units which the currently selected freindly unit can has LOS to AND IS AWARE of. Thats what I thought EFOW was going to be. This setting would be to hard for my brittle mind but still, it would be fun to try.

[edited cuz I cant spel]

[ October 24, 2002, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]

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