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Defining Cover

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I had an unfortunate situation in a game against the ai a few days ago. I had snuck an artillery FO into position on the edge of the top of a hill. The FO was in open terrain but it was foggy. I was hoping to nail a machine gun and a light gun, but the MG saw my FO and let fly. Now, the FO was in the open, but all it had to to was take a step back and it would have been out of view. Instead, it runs toward the MG about 50 yards into some brush. All my attempts to get him to move out of that bad place failed, and when it was finally taken out by a tank I was pretty much rooting for the tank. I hope in CM:BB that LOS will be taken into account when a unit is looking to get out of harms way.

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When CMBO infantry units seek cover, they only recognize covering terrain, they only recognize the exposure % a given patch offers and go for the best of these patches. They do not have any concept about breaking LOS to the shooter. For AFVs it seems to be the opposite.

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