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Two good ways to never permanently lose your password:

Use PBEM Helper, a nice PBEM utility that saves your password so you never have to type it in.


Pick a poster on your wall in front of your computer (everyone has one, right?) and always choose your password from off that poster, either a persons name, a place, a light saber.... smile.gif Then when you forget it you can start typing in one after the other until you hit the right one.


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Originally posted by mrcobbler:

Pick a poster on your wall in front of your computer (everyone has one, right?) and always choose your password from off that poster, either a persons name, a place, a light saber.... smile.gif Then when you forget it you can start typing in one after the other until you hit the right one.


Very practical idea. Will be adopted, since my memory for passwords, phone numbers and the like is like a sieve. smile.gif
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