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New 'Thinline' mod created.

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Hi all,

I have created a new 'thineline' mod for CMBB based on the thinline mod created for CMBO.

WHen you are zoomed far out, the lines becomes dashes or evner dots, but I think I like it better for the closer views as they don't obscure the field of view so much.

I don't have a way to post this somewhere and I don't really have time to set something up at the moment as I have promised some gridded terrains for CMBO to some people.

If some one is intereste in posting this for all interested parties, I will be happy to make the files available to them.

Sgian Dubh

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Big improvement - I'll certainly use it.

Michael - certainly worth hosting if you would be so kind.

One suggestion - is it possible to do a similar mod of the covered arc lines or are these hardcoded? It is gonna get very cluttered when I set up numerous MG arcs to stop the red hordes!

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I scanned through all of the .BMPs. I can't find a match for the color of the cover arc lines.

However, I looked again in the 2020.BMP and there is a color match between the cover arc line and the box which is 10th down from the top, including the box with the arrow as 1.

If CMBB is taking the line for the cover arc from the 2020.bmp, then it should already be 1/2 of the original thickness.

I'll play around with this some more.

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A few screen captures later and I have discovered that the cover arc and armor cover arc line colors are not in the 2020.bmp.

I can find no other BMP to match, so I am guessing that they may be hard-coded - at least in the demo.

I'm going to start another thread asking BFC if this is the case.

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Originally posted by Red 6:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I wonder if I uploaded the page...should be under CMBO, then Miscellaneous...

Try http://members.shaw.ca/grossdeutschland/misc.htm

And ignore the reference to Parabellum....whoops.

Again, I tryed to dl it from Miscellaneous. And still nothing :( It wont connect, saying can't find the server</font>
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