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Operations and foxholes problem?

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This has got to be an old one, but search isn't turning up anything for me. Is there any way to keep the defender from seeing all of the attacker's foxholes in the second and subsequent battles of operations?

I figure the answer is no, but it can't hurt to ask...

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If the foxholes were spotted in the first battle, they will remain spotted in the second battle.

I've played operations where my defending force could dig NEW foxholes in subsequent battles. THAT was pretty cool. (And my new foxholes would not be spotted until I let him see them. BLAM!) smile.gif


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Thanks, but that isn't really what I'm talking about...

I've been trying to set up a scenario where both sides start with foxholes. Since operations give both sides foxholes on the second and subsequent battles, I made a two battle operation where the first battle is at night and night fighting is turned off, so that they only get to fight the second battle. After carefully setting up the map so that the setup zones would be right for the second battle, I happened to notice that the defender gets to see where all of the attackers foxholes are, without spotting them, starting at the movement phase, turn one :( .

In fact the defender can see them even if they are behind a hill and totally out of LOS, and it doesn't matter that the attacking units are in different positions than they were the day before...

I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this, and if there was a way to make it stop.


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Yeah I know what you are talking about. I noticed this last year and posted Here but received no response. I don't think operations as a whole are an area where BTS wants to spend much time from comments in the past. I know of no way to get around that quirk.


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I know the problem you mean. In the dawn battle of an operation, all the attacker's infantry that can dig foxholes do, and all those foxholes that are in the defender's LOS are instatntly revealed to the defender (but not vice versa). This is a major bummer in multiplayer because the defender can immediately area fire all the attacker's foxholes even though in most cases he should not "know" that there are any units there.

I reported the problem to BTS just last week. Madmatt said the technical people will look at it.

BTW, have you seen the bug that causes the US M2 90mm AA gun, once initially spotted, to always remain spotted in later battles of an operation even when it has moved location between battles?


Big J

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