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**MikeyD CRAZY mod! Color-Shifted CMAK Grass!!**


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Hey, I got tired of doing nothing but Panthers!

-CMAK ONLY Color-Shifted pre-'44 green grass.

On the CMAK side of our favorite site:


Let me say up front this is a DANGEROUS mod!

But Ardem requested it.

See the screenshot fto see what the hell I'm up to.

I color-shifted my old "GrassWntrBBMikeyD" mod so it'll appear green where normally it would look yellowish pre-'44 in CMAK.

These textures display as all-year grass in both the N.A. and Italian theaters until Jan '44. After that it gets a bit tricky when this art only shows up as winter grass NOT color-shifted. So it'll look pretty green.

to sum up:

-If you play a mostly ETO pre-44 I recommend this mod.

-If you play mostly 44-45 winter ETO I suggest my old "GrassWntrBBMikeyD" mod on the CMBB side of cmmods.com.

- If you play ALL timeframes I suggest you forget this mod entirely!

Confused? Here's the explanatory screenshot:


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Interesting. I played around with this issue with a slightly different take. I ended up with two CMAK games. One CMAK up to and through December 1943 using Gurra's dirty ground mod, this CMAK is populated with tropical clad soldiers, plain yellow and hasty camo German tanks, etc.

The second CMAK game I call CMAK 1944-45. It begins January 1944 and goes through the duration. I use OSF's grass renumbered for winter no snow grass (shows up Jan,Feb and Dec 1944 & Jan, Feb 1945)since I don't care that it turns a bright orange in 1943. Gurra's rocky dirt/grass for the regular dirt bmps. For the allies their uniforms go to darker khaki and wool. Interestingly the Germans have two uniform sets Jan - April 1944 (using their contintental uniforms) and then May 1944 through April 45 (wearing my "late war Italy mods". German tanks sport more camo. I use darker roofs on the buildings. Snow covered vehicles and cold weather gear for snow scenarios.

Fairly easy to do, and I get to use more of the bitchin mods that are out there.

I will send some pictures when I get some good examples together.


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Like my screenshot says, this mod is EXTREMELY optional! I had sat on my first color-shifting attempt for a couple months for fear that my mod would do more harm than good. I guess it all depends on if you like overly orange pre-44 scenery or overly green 44-45 winter terrain. Pick your poison.

Let me put a small plug in for my year old "Terrain Bases Summer/Winter" mod on the CMBB side of cmmods.com. Its only recently I discovered that my 'Autumn tree bases-CMBB only' can also be used as year-round pre-44 art in CMAK! A nice mod if you like scattered leaves under your trees.

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