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I Just Got Schooled By Demo AI ! **SPOILER**

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I downloaded the demo to CMAK and played the battle where I, as the Germans, attack across the desert.

Now I am a CMBO vet from long ago but I got schooled HARD! I have 15 panzers to press this attack with so I thought that I would just "gangbang" the defenders. I push on my left flank. I layed down some smoke plus set up my tanks and 20mm cars to create a huge covering dustcloud to close with the enemy M3's and get around them. HOW THE HECK ARE YOU SUPPOST TO KILL THOSE M3'S?!?!? Almost every shot bounced off of them or did no damage if it did penetrate! My plan was great but my P-III's are almost usless against those M3's! Did I just have really bad luck or is it really hard to kill a M3?

I am trying the battle again and this time I am trying the right flank. I will make my way to the oasis and trees and will try to harrass the M3's from there.

Did anyone else find this demo battle hard as hell????? I am getting plenty of hits but NO KILLS!

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Well.....I beat it finally. I went up the right flank to the oasis and sent a platoon of tanks to the midle-of-the-map ridge which I didn't notice before. Still....those M3's took many many hits to kill.

I sent most my troops up that dried up riverbed in the middle. I did NOT use the default setup for the AI so it put an arty spotter with great LOS to that riverbed. OUCH!

Still....great fun! Much better then CMBO. I will order soon. I really hope that most of my favorite battles from CMBO are redone with this engine! ALL OR NOTHING comes to mind.

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