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QB force points question

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Originally posted by JasonC:

If the lottery removes side As only capable AT weapons and leaves a Tiger on the other side, it fails to add interest. Or one side loses an infantry platoon, while the opponent loses a 150mm sIG and a heavy PAK.

Depends if the player sees unfortunate (unlikely) outcomes as a challenge and an opportunity to try their best and adapt/adjust their battle plan and not as a reason to moan about the hand they have been dealt. I just think it is all part of the fun and mystery of delving into the unknown of any FOW battle.

I'm sure there must be many players who, if faced with situations you describe, would want to throw in the towel at the setup stage without even giving themselevs a chance and without knowing what kind of forces their oppenents selected and how the random casualties affected them. I'm not one of them. Others are. Perhaps the value of FOW and the challenge of adapting battle plans when you may feel you may have been dealt a rough hand through no fault of your own is lost on some players.

If I found myself being dealt a crappy hand (losing all my dedicated AT assets for example), regardless of the actual force balance that was present in the game (I would only really know that when the game ends anyways) and regardless of the end game score, I will rate my performance relative to the what the battle situation was and what assests each side actually ended up pitting against each other. Who knows. It might just end up being one of my greatest and most cunning victories. Or perhaps the enemy didn't even select any armour (or lost all of his to casualties) so perhaps it was good thing that my AT assest disappeared and not some anti-infantry units that I will be needing.

It's not all about winning on the CM AAR screen neccesarily anyways, but also backing yourself to the end and doing the best with what you were given vs what you were up against.

Lt Bull

[ May 25, 2006, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: Lt Bull ]

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Originally posted by Lt Bull:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dieseltaylor:

Your system might lead to imbalances where I lose all my expensive men by lottery and end up with a fighting value of 900 points against my opponents 1500. It may be true to life but will make battles less attractive under the current scoring system.

That would be extremely unlikely yet it is one of the many possibilities with such a system. But remember your opponent won't know that, and you won't know how the casualties affected your opponents forces either. Do you/does he feel luck enough to play like you/they have any advantage?

I liken it to the unpredictabilty and indiscriminant way an artillery attack can cause casualties to soldiers regardless of who they are or how experienced/fit/well equipt they are. It's a lucky dip. It is just part of the fortunes/misfortunes of battle. Like a lottery...you understand the risks, you take your chances and accept and make do with the hand fate deals you to follow your orders, without complaint.

Lt Bull </font>

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Originally posted by Lt Bull:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dieseltaylor:

Your system might lead to imbalances where I lose all my expensive men by lottery and end up with a fighting value of 900 points against my opponents 1500. It may be true to life but will make battles less attractive under the current scoring system.

That would be extremely unlikely yet it is one of the many possibilities with such a system. But remember your opponent won't know that, and you won't know how the casualties affected your opponents forces either. Do you/does he feel luck enough to play like you/they have any advantage?

I liken it to the unpredictabilty and indiscriminant way an artillery attack can cause casualties to soldiers regardless of who they are or how experienced/fit/well equipt they are. It's a lucky dip. It is just part of the fortunes/misfortunes of battle. Like a lottery...you understand the risks, you take your chances and accept and make do with the hand fate deals you to follow your orders, without complaint.

Lt Bull </font>

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Lt Bull.

I can see where you are coming from. Losing a battle but playing well is always more fun than winning easily. You and I have to accept that for a large number of people the score on the board is what they care about. Those people want equality of points, experience levels, tank capability,some want aircraft free skies, some of them want symetric maps ,[ and get upset if you suggest they ought to play chess : )] so there is never going to be a meeting of minds.

Nice thing about RoW is that you can have funny forces, be on the losing side and yet know you were a winner.

Re:casualties. Even full strength battalions never attacked with 100% - a cadre was left to recreate the battalion if everything went pear shaped. I think 10-20% is definitely hstorically acceptable and does add to the FOW.

I sincerely doubt any battalion ever fought at full strength what with sickness, fatal accidents, leave?!, no doubt someone here has probably got that info .....

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Lt Bull.

I can see where you are coming from. Losing a battle but playing well is always more fun than winning easily. You and I have to accept that for a large number of people the score on the board is what they care about. Those people want equality of points, experience levels, tank capability,some want aircraft free skies, some of them want symetric maps ,[ and get upset if you suggest they ought to play chess : )] so there is never going to be a meeting of minds.

Nice thing about RoW is that you can have funny forces, be on the losing side and yet know you were a winner.

Re:casualties. Even full strength battalions never attacked with 100% - a cadre was left to recreate the battalion if everything went pear shaped. I think 10-20% is definitely hstorically acceptable and does add to the FOW.

I sincerely doubt any battalion ever fought at full strength what with sickness, fatal accidents, leave?!, no doubt someone here has probably got that info .....

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