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I am looking through the mod websites and browsing/searching the forums but haven't found any good info/thread on how CMAK can be turned into an upgraded CMBO. I did read in forum that some folks were surprised that Pershing Tank is not represented in CMAK and will not be able to be full CMBO, but that is okay with me. I played a Bulge flavored QB on CMAK today and with fog it was okay since Italian mountains were not visible. But some graphics obviously needs to be switched, houses, uniforms for SS were the Italian campaign flavor, etc. Anyone know when some kind fellow will upgrade CMMOS to cover CMAK? Otherwise I do the old drag and drop with bitmaps. Are CMBO bitmaps compatible with CMAK?

If I can get an upgraded CMBO out of CMAK then I can have a better, more realistic CMBO campaign with the more powerful QB of CMBB/CMAK. Weakened troops, casualties, ammo levels, wind, temp, etc.

Thanks for the help guys!

[ December 12, 2003, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: NavyDiver ]

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