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Thanks a lot Battlefront!

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I bet you guys see a post like this once a week or so, but I just have to say it. I've been salivating over this game for well over a year when I first played the Demo. Sadly I don't have a credit card and thus find it very difficult to order things online. But now with NA release of Combat mission I've finially been able to pick it up. The game is fantastic! It's even better then the now venerable Steel Panthers. The Unique method of Turn-based movies makes battles much easier to understand. Thanks again!

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I was browsing through my local computer store and discovered Combat Mission Beyond Overlord displayed on the shelf. Could this be the very same combat mission that I had read such positive reviews about in magazines and on the net? I must have the name wrong as it is only sold on the net. A closer look at the box revealed that this was in fact the very same highly regarded game, and it looks like I was holding the ONLY copy in the store. I made a mad dash for the counter and bought it post haste.

Now for the real test, would it really live up to all the hype? Oh my! YES!! This is without a doubt the most intense combat experience I have ever had on the computer! My first evening of gameplay found me looking at the clock on the wall at 4:15 AM!! 4:15 AM? Where did the time go?! Now I am sending for CMBB and eagerly awaiting Combat Mission: Afrika Korps. What a wonderful series, I just am sorry I waited so long.

While making up for lost time I have been looking at sites like Combat Mission HQ and looking closely at the many great mods. Is there a site with mods and reviews of mods that is currently updated that I have overlooked?

Oops, have to run, a skirmish has just broken out in the Ardenne forest and I have to plan the counter attack. S!


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Welcome EricNY! It's great to see all the new players on the board! Take your time modding your game because it can sure get away from you if your not careful! Try Combat Mission Outpost to see some great new mods for the CM games.

You need to just check out all the great mods out there and pick the ones that fit your fancy! When I play the CM games I keep a pen and paper handy so when I see an AFV that I feel could look better I write it down and then search the sites for one of the new "skins" that grabs me by the yin yang and add it to my game!

Pretty soon you will be a modding "slut" like the rest of us!

Enjoy Eric! :D

[ July 03, 2003, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Panzertruppe ]

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