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QB Bug: 'Medium XP= Conscripts & Greens?'


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"What about giving the player in a QB the option to set regular experience as the sole baseline for AI unit purchase? I think given the nature of the QB a lot of players might prefer this even if it is ahistorical."


Good point. When I set up a QB I try to relate to some actual conflict zone/time reflecting as much as possible the type of action I imagine took place. I also like to be "supprised' by the make up of the enemy forces (eg letting the computer pick the units). But many times a QB has been uninterestingly to easy to win owing to the many green or conscript units picked. IMHO having tighter control over the randomness of the quality option would make for a better QB.

On the same subject I very rarly let the computer pick my units - I still remember all those QBs of Brit infantry supported by tens of unarmed scout cars and carriers, that the AI loves so.

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I like to let the computer pick my forces from time to time because it forces me to use units I would otherwise NEVER select (or even think about) on my own.

For example, I learned how to use AT Guns and Howitzers (and particularly learned that placing them in tall pines is not a bright idea against an enemy that has even a single mortar) because the computer kept selecting those types of units in QBs. I also am forced to deal with mediocre or poor quality armor and learn to exploit whatever strengths it may have by allowing the computer to pick my forces (like I qould ever, for example, voluntarily select a Pz II in an August 1941 desert battle!).

Currently, this issue is in limbo. Madmatt emailed me last week(?) and told me Charles was unable to replicate the problem. He requested I send a saved game demonstrating the bug. I forwarded three different files in which German paratroops on Crete in May 1941 were "conscript".

I have also noticed that I am now getting some "regular" quality baselines using the QB. This now happens about 40% of the time, so I suppose my initial results were unusual. However, it does not change the nature of the bug insofaras the computer is selecting conscripts for unit types that are prohibited from being conscripts, nor does it change the overall issue of quality levels.

Frankly, I would prefer that we be able to select the baseline quality itself. Instead of "low", "Medium", "High", or "Random" let us choose "Conscript". "Green", "Regular", "Veteran", "Crack", "Elite" or "Random" as the baselines. That allows maximum control over scenario parameters and makes the QB generator more flexible.

Anyway, I will update this thread when I hear from Matt or Charles.


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