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Does it give you the real feeling

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When playing CMBB, do you sometimes feel like you're really battling in the Eastern Front? Do you sometimes get that immersed?

I have some such experience. Firstly the weather settings provide a great atmosphere. Extreme Cold and Deep Snow makes me shiver sometimes when I really get into it and try to place myself in the soldiers boot, in this case a Finnish Jaakari squad. Sometimes my troop choice makes me feel helpless against the other side. Like in one of my current PBEMs I just have Finnish Vickers T-26s and the opponent has T-34s. Sometimes the whole game environment provides that feeling. Going to the first level view ('grunt's eye') also helps in getting into the game.

Would like to know your experience.

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I had a rather pathetic case of immersion a few months back. I was playing an operation, can't remember wich one. The weather was rainy. And next battle, rainy again. And I kept being rained on battle after battle. So here's me sitting in my home wich is flooded in sunlight and I'm getting a SAD-like feeling because of the crappy weather. I couldn't believe it when I noticed it. :rolleyes: :eek: :D

And you are not the only one who during a snowstorm hunces up from the cold. Weird but I can't stop myself.

Not quite immersion but playing Danube Blues very aggressively as the Russians while Prokovievs blares from the stereo, that had me in a real trance. There's nothing quite like a fast moving T-34/85 swiveling it's gun in preparation to engaging an unsuspecting Tiger down a side steet while listening to Dance of the Knights.

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What I think is so neat is the trees moving in the wind. Especially if it's cold and raining. It really sets the mood. You can feel the discomfort of your men. It all depends on the scenario too. I have played several recently from http://www.garykrockover.com/cmbb/ that really were so well done that it really sets the mood whether it be panic and scared or whatever. A good scenario can sure set the mood if the designer knows how to use the different conditions or effects in the game engine. I love this game.

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