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arty smoke - how do I reset the target?

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Situation: 120mm FO with los to a spot where I want smoke rounds to fall. Smoke falls 300m to the right of where I wanted it covering part of the map I wanted to see and leaving a devastiting fof in part of the map I'm probing into.

Resolution: Per the field manual, I should be able to press the R key to reset the target. But I do not have that option. So I end up re-targeting the same spot incurring a 30 sec delay in the process.

What, if anything, am I doing wrong? I thought I was supposed to be able to Press the R key to get better accuracy on my arty - be it smoke or HE - but I don't even have that option.

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If the target point was in LOS, the smoke screen should have been on target - perhaps your targeting point wasn't exactly where you intended it, and ended up being just out of LOS? Another possibility: did a spotting round fall that could have blocked your FO's LOS to the targeting point? All barrages with LOS are supposed to come in 'on target', so either you didn't have LOS to the target point (and you thought you did), or something weird happened.

However, once your barrage comes in off-target, the only way to try to get the barrage to come in more on target is replot the target line onto the same spot. You should get a green "Adjust Fire" line. After the target adjustment delay, your barrage (be it smoke or HE) should come down more accurately. IOW, what you did (retarget the same spot) is exactly how you adjust the targeting of an off-target barrage.

"Reset Target" allows you to reset the spotters' target to what it was at the beginning of the orders turn if you accidentally adjust or delete a targeting order that you meant to keep. It has nothing to do with adjusting the targetting of an errant barrage.



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"Reset target" is meant for the cases where you adjust fire, but before proceeding to the next turn decide to cancel that adjustment; that way, you can target within LOS and closer to the original target without losing the "it's only a tweak" speed bonus versus "whole new fire mission".

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Originally posted by Mud:

"Reset target" is meant for the cases where you adjust fire, but before proceeding to the next turn decide to cancel that adjustment; that way, you can target within LOS and closer to the original target without losing the "it's only a tweak" speed bonus versus "whole new fire mission".

I see. Thank you for that clarification. So is this the norm then that arty is so freaking inaccurate? I mean, my regular 120mm FO gave a target, surely he can make sure the smoke lands on that target. It makes no sense to me that my FO would allow 20 precious rounds of 120mm to fall so far from its intended point. I should not have to micromanage this. I have to re-target the correct point and incur a 30 sec delay while the FO adjusts fire to the point he should have adjusted it to the first time!!!!! Bah!
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