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Bogging by number of vehicles removed?

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I remember in an old, old thread it mentioned that the chance of bogging was a function of the number of vehicles you had moving. This was removed in one of the patches, correct? I am still doing a ton of bogging research and just want to make sure my results won't be messed up by this. It now makes no difference if I have a battalion or a platoon moving, right? (as is certainly shouldn't)



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Additionally, by quick tests with a few vehicles it appears that 'ground condition' only affects open ground. Even soft ground is unaffected by 'ground condition' (and quick tests actually appear that it is LESS likely to get you stuck in soft ground over open ground in deep mud conditions! (DONT take this as reliable, it was only a 20 vehicle test!) It does not appear that deep mud to very dry have any effect on brush, scatteded trees, etc- those appear to be constants. Input would be very helpful!


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Interesting...I just played a scenario in which four of my MkIII's bogged over a series of two or three turns. I was moving a lot of tanks at the time. For the remainder of the game, I didn't move so many tanks at once, and didn't have any more trouble with bogging. I've installed all the patches. Maybe this was just coincidence...

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  • 2 weeks later...

All of this is going into a 'Panther Ops Manual' that will be ready in hopefully a few months that covers everything from speeds/ terrain, vulnerability graphs such as the one below, artillery vulnerability, PAK vulnerability, anti infantry tactics, etc, etc. I am a pilot and we have these huge manuals for the aircraft and I thought it would be fun to make them for the more popular vehicles in the game.



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