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Hi All!

I've read many pages about BB and AK QBs and especially the opinions concerning MEs...

I won't stress what CM engine COULD BE and I take the software 'as it is', so I suggest a way to improve QBs.

I apologize if somebody already suggested what I'm going to write: I can't read every CM Community page on the net, after all!


It suites both Attack/Defend and ME battles.

You need a map and a little time to load it in the Scenario Editor.

- Choose a map and draw two zone for each player: the Main Force Zone (close to the friendly edge) and the Recon Zone: a narrow one forward (this zone can be a straight line; a scattered, sawtooth or chess-boardwise area... ).

- Place them according to the tactical situation you are thinking of.

Useless to say that recon area should be long or wide enough to make almost impossible easy oppnent's guesses about your recon placement.

IMPORTANT: the two zones that players own have two different colours ;)

- Agree a little recon force to place in the Recon Zone (for example: an Engineer Platoon with one MG and light AT assets) and save the map in the scenario editor.

It doesn't matter if players knows their opponent recon force, though it is possible to make this phase blind.

- Start the QB as usual: in the map parameters window load the custom map with the recon units.

Since shapes and sizes can be very different, you can obtain a wide range of tactical possibilities.

I hope you like the idea though I'm sure it works.

Definitely, a QB with RZ doesn't allow easy flag rushes!

Comments are welcome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last CMAK PBEM: Tebourba. ME where the heavies arrive later.

Last but one CMAK PBEM: A Big One. Lots of reinforcements. Different setup zones with HTs, some inf and ACs forward for the Axis attacker. Huge map. Scouting for firing positions for attacker's guns paid. Knowing the enemy dispositions paid, too.

Current CMBB PBEM: South of Kharkov. No recon zones, but lots of ground to cross before the attacker reaches the defender's positions. IIRC turn 30 had still no enemy contact (Now 67 out of 120 and I'm close to my objectives for turn 80.

Another current CMBB PBEM op: Lithuania mon armour. Half over and almost no firing yet - except blind suppressive fire.

There are quite a few scenarios out there. You don't even have to make it all alone. Plus with reinforcements there will be more space to maneuver on a map of the same size.





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