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A Setup, an Angry Face, a Cheery Waffle, and a TNT-SLATHERED BOOT UP YER A$$ MAGGOT!

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You maggot-licking, flag-burning punk-rocking amoeba-banging terrorist-loving goat-pumping, non-tnt-chucking tnt-eating cowardly grabasstic no good excuse for an armchair warrior wannabe of whom the best part slithered out of the crack of his mama's ass and down her leg!! :mad: :mad:

I'm gonna squash your nuts puss pouch!! :mad: I'm gonna see to it you and those dumb, gaggling kraut grunts you call an army never see the mother-loving light of a peaceful day ever again!! :mad:

I swear to my God of TNT your grunts heads will be nestled so far up their comrades asses they'll be taking their sh*ts for a month!! :mad:


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Originally posted by Keke:


In the screenshot above you can see one of Mickey_the_Mousie's officers watching in awe as MasterKKK's hot white TNT is just about to land (Mickey uses rather gayish mods, doesn't he?).


:mad: :mad: I mean :D:D

Keke! How many languages do you speak and which one is your mother tongue? All will be revealed upon your answer.

Jas :mad: n

[ May 13, 2003, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Keke! How many languages do you speak and which one is your mother tongue? All will be revealed upon your answer.

I keep my mother's tongue in a little jar under my bed.
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Originally posted by Keke:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

Keke! How many languages do you speak and which one is your mother tongue? All will be revealed upon your answer.

I keep my mother's tongue in a little jar under my bed. </font>
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

I was going to say, if English is not your first language you have an amazing grasp of it. Better than many native English speakers, I might add. tongue.gif

Thank you, but is this really the right place for compliments??!! :mad:

Originally posted by Axe2121:

Although many people think of Joseph Conrad as one of the finest English writers of all times he was, in fact, Polish. If memory serves, he spoke six languages.

If memory serves, I speak four languages. My groundbreaking novel Heart of Maggot will be released soon.

Originally posted by Axe2121:

I'd say "keep me laughing" in Finnish but......

...you can't. MWUAHAHHAHHAAAA!!! :mad:
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I thought a compliment or two would draw Dave H back in like a moth to a flame.

Then we can burn him!!!


My posts will stay compliment-free for a while maggots.


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Originally posted by MasterFruitCake:

I'll be slinging some angry TNT tonight maggots!!

Any of that queery TNT about to hit my inbox is it ? Or was it just words ? Bet you're not capable of anything else but producing empty threats ! No wonder with those two brain cells of yours, you worthless maggot scum ! You deformed pile of ages old excrement coming from an old fart suffering from a bad fit of diarrhoea ! You're about as useful as a STI ! And that is a compliment when I'm addressing you ! :mad: :mad:
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I hate the word slathered!!!!

Slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered, slathered!


:mad: :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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What are you crotch-jockeys all hopped on today? Let me take you maggots in some semblence of order.

Front and center MaggotGoodfornothing. I won't bother to post all of your drivel but as little as possible.

1. Were they hot? Were they "red hot" or "white hot"?

Seeing as the "TNT" didn't hit anything but trees and nothing is burning I would label it as "limp-wristed, and moldy" not "hot", much like you, you giant fecal-flinging monkey.

2. How angry were they? Did it seem as though they had just been released from a long prison sentence on some other hostile planet?

Not quite sure if this and this...

I have a few soldiers who've always had a sort of "Backyard Ambition" to study such phenomenon.

...are somehow related. But don't you mean "Backdoor Ambition"? Wasn't that the name of your theatrical debute, you big homo? Not that there is anything wrong with that sort stuff, if you know, you like that.

3. Were they bitter? On a scale of 1-100 how would you rate the bitterness of the portions your men were forced to eat?

Not bitter enough. Not even as bitter as my morning espresso, so I would give a lame-ass, weak-as-hell score of -5.

4. What is the most common injury suffered as a result of these angry meteors? a) Severe blistering burns B) Large holes ripped into flesh c) Blunt trauma wounds to the skull and chest d) "Meteor Shock"

One guy fell over laughing and bruised a rib, so how would you categorize that? Non-existent?

5. Would you welcome these furious meteors onto your soil again the future? Or do you prefer they seek anger management classes beforehand?

You know it was quite pretty watching these fall from the sky.

I hope that clears some things up for you. Now if you don't mind, I would like to make a suggestion. Instead of this:

"MasterGoodale - GrandMaster Jewel-Encrusted TNT Chucker".
Might I suggest something more suited to your, *ahem*, "lifestyle"? How about NastyMoldyballs- Grandpa Jizm-Encrusted Goat-F***er? Just throwing it out there, shall we vote on it?

Keke did you make that lovely little painting yourself? It shows a soft, tender side of you....I hope someone flings some TNT into that soft under belly of yours and rips it wide open.

Axe2121 feeling the "burn" yet?

:mad: :mad:

nevermind you are a nitwit and most likely Canadian. "Micromanagement"?!? WTF?!? How many times have you played this game? Moving units is all part of the game. Or are you hitting "Go" each time? This should be easier than I thought.

Turns out tonight to maggots. :mad: :mad:

[ May 13, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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According to the freaks, pychos and misfits at Canada Post, I can't send REAL beer to Mike_the_wino.

To wit:

Section B – Chapter 07

Non-mailable Matter

Intoxicating Beverages

Individuals may not send intoxicating beverages in the mail. Intoxicating beverages (e.g. liquor, wine and beer) are non-mailable unless:

• a Provincial Liquor Board or Commission is mailing to a manufacturer, distributor or individual in Canada or to a manufacturer or distributor outside of Canada

• a manufacturer of such beverages is mailing to a Provincial Liquor Board or Commission, to a distributor of such beverages in Canada, or to an individual within the same province

• a distributor of such beverages is mailing to a Provincial Liquor Board or Commission, to a manufacturer or distributor of such beverages in Canada, or to an individual within the same province

• they are mailed from outside of Canada and are addressed to a Provincial Liquor Board or Commission, a manufacturer or distributor of such beverages

• they are mailed between a peace officer and a test laboratory for the purpose of carrying out a lawful investigation.

NOTE:  Regardless of who is shipping, special restrictions apply if the intoxicating beverage is:

(a) more than 24% alcohol by volume (e.g. 48 proof) and in a container greater than five liters (5 l)

(B) more than 70% alcohol by volume (e.g. 140 proof).

Any suggestions on how to get around this? Grrrr!!!!!

Jas :mad: n

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Label it as marijuana. Your hippy, free-love, socialist Government allows that don't it?

[Cartman voice]If you do drugs, you're a hippy and hippies suck[/Cartman voice]

Well, I can see a lot of ways around it.

A) I actually do have a lab for chemical analysis of wine.

B) We DO make alcoholic beverages.

C) If you know any distributors have them send it to me @ work.

D) Label it as socks, or something innocous and mail away.

BTW, shipping wine to your God-saken, Great-White, worthless expanse is akin to a root canal. It's a long, drawn out, tedious, pain in the arse.

[ May 13, 2003, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Label it as marijuana. Your hippy, free-love, socialist Government allows that don't it?

HA! Not that I use it, but pressure from YOUR government is making OUR government back off those plans.

YOUR government is saying OUR citizens and transports could be faced with long waits at the border if OUR government relaxes the laws here.

As long as the American government keeps tilting at windmills with regards to drug enforcement, I don't think Canada will be in any real hurry to decriminalize them.

I just want to mail beer, for crying out loud!

Angry out loud!!! :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

They are either drunk, out humping a moose or otherwise not available.

What a small world....sounds like my long weekend agenda. Yay! Victoria Day! Better known up here as May two-four (24).
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I've read through the last few pages, and I have one obsevation to make:


As for the wine, send it to me and I'll let Axe know how it tastes. Actually Axe, what does UPS say about shipping beer?

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Snarker you need to move to a more respectable state for wine to be sent to you. The fascist, oppresive regime of Pennsylvania has a firm lock on things intoxicating. :mad: Hell, we have been dancing around and jumping through hoops to get our label in that crap-hole state, no offense, for 4 months now. :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Snarker you need to move to a more respectable state for wine to be sent to you. The fascist, oppresive regime of Pennsylvania has a firm lock on things intoxicating. :mad: Hell, we have been dancing around and jumping through hoops to get our label in that crap-hole state, no offense, for 4 months now. :mad:

GRRRARRRRGH!!!!! :mad: :mad: We recently got the right to buy likker on Sundays; mostly because the weekend maggots from NJ and NY pissed and moaned about trying to figure out how much they needed to buy on Saturday to last through Monday morning...

Want some more fun stuff? I can buy three sixes from a licensed restuarant, but not four. Cases only at distributors. But if I leave, put the three in my car, return to the restuarant I can buy three more. Rinse and repeat as necessary.


Edited because: Let me see if it works like nitwit Jersey - I may be able to "request" your wine by filling out a form and it may get faster consideration. Maybe. Email me with some info and I'll see what the Unterfuhrer at Der State Store has to say for himself.

[ May 13, 2003, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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ahah ahah ah ah aha hahah ah ahahahhahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! :mad:

Hunker Down puss wads cause daddies chucking TNT and it aint happy!! :mad: :mad:

WHINO you are SUCH a slithering sack of microwaved fly guts I can't even bare to kill you!! :mad: You think you've seen TNT?? You think you've seen TNT??!! :mad: You aint seen nothing yet noodle dick!! :mad: I'm gonna sling, slather, chuck, spew, propel, toss, throw, and heave so much god-damned TNT in your general foul-smelling direction you'll be begging for "sh*t on a shingle" for supper!! :mad:

PRINCE and KINKY OHHH boy are you two maggot larvae wannabes gonna taste some og old MasterGoodale's angry TNT and I guarantee it mister men you WILL NOT LIKE IT!! :mad:

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