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A Setup, an Angry Face, a Cheery Waffle, and a TNT-SLATHERED BOOT UP YER A$$ MAGGOT!

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Wohoo! I got a turn from Sadballs. Is it Christmas already??

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

BTW is that a FAL L1A1 he is holding?

Isn't it obvious? :rolleyes:

Edit: :mad:

[ May 12, 2003, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Keke ]

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SandyBalls you rotten pouch of goat puss!! :mad: I already sent you the file!! I've been waiting for a week you vile pile of toe jam soaked in maggot urine!! :mad: ARRAR ARAR AR AR ARAR AR AR RA R RA R AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I sent it again for the heavily retarded!! :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Dear God. I just fired up Surf'sUp's Inferno scenario. I want to know what he fired up before designing it.

It's aptly named, Shotsies4th. Get ready to enter the 4th level of hell.


Jas :mad: n

Still waiting for that setup... I am ready here on the 4th level waiting to roast your troops stomachs :mad: :mad: :mad: with Baghdad Bob to cheer me on. :D
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Despatches from the front lines.

In our 800 point QB, Jim's troops are running scared through the bogs. (His joke, not mine.)

Snarker refuses to surrender despite the knowledge my side is literally crawling with T-26s. The lad just doesn't get it. Defeat is inevitable.

MasterGoatHerder can bloody well wait for his setup, seeing as he threatened me with one for a couple of months, the inbred, non-TNT chuckin', mold eating, weak smack talking, no good PIMP!

*deep breath*

Shotsies4th and I will start blasting it out in Scumball's Inferno very shortly. He will start experiencing a burning sensation -- and not for his usual reason -- soon.

Grrr!! Let's start a campaign to drag Dave H back into this thread, kicking and screaming no doubt. We need one voice of calm reason from keeping the rest of us from sliding into drooling madness.

Jas :mad: n

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How embarrasing. redface.gifredface.gif Twice I get Shosties4th name wrong when it is obvious he is referring to this not this.

Although you can see how anyone could make that mistake.

Setup sent maggot. Don't worry. All your troops will be hitting high notes soon enough. :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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[chant] Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave...[/chant]

I don't know why you maggots are clamoring for the return of the black-hearted one. You know that he will only defeat and humilate you....the worst part about it is that he is NICE about. :mad: :mad:

He is an evil, evil, wicked man that must be stopped. :mad:

7:33 pm PST and still at work, not likely to leave before 9 or 10. No turns for maggots tonight. Gonna have some pent up :mad: for you worthless piles tomorrow.

[ May 13, 2003, 02:31 AM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Axe2121, I thought I had dibs on being Sov! :mad: Oh well, I'm not overly picky. He has correctly guessed the notion behind my forum moniker.

Prinz Eugen and I are about to cross swords on a large map considering the forces involved. A manuever-fest in the offing? Time will tell. :mad:

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I'm ready to introduce Shosties4th to the Soviet ways of hospitability. Only good German is a dead one. Bring 'em on ! :mad:

My dependable troops are hardly impressed by the sight of über-Kitties of Snarker lumbering in the distance. He apparently has a thing with big guns, don't know why. King Tigers or not, a fix of TNT will do the trick. :mad:

There's a good slug-fest in the middle between my Krauts and Dave H's Maxims. Squads are receiving heavy fire and are momentarily pulling out. If they can from all of their panicking. Oh, how dearly will those peasants pay for their stupidity ! They think they can hold their own against my veterans ! Fat chance ! :mad:

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

My dependable troops are hardly impressed by the sight of über-Kitties of Snarker lumbering in the distance. He apparently has a thing with big guns, don't know why.

I see you're not acquainted with the works of Dr. Freud....

(edited to compensate for TNT-saturated brain)

[ May 13, 2003, 09:51 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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What a bunch of puss nodules! :mad:

Hey WHINO how ya feeling up there? If you have a few extra minutes my men have reported back from the front that there appears to have been a massive meteor shower up on your hill! I have a few soldiers who've always had a sort of "Backyard Ambition" to study such phenomenon. They report as many as 500 meteors may have landed up in them thar hills and would like to enlist your help in studying this fascinating spectacle. They would much appreciate it if you would answer the following questions:

1. Were they hot? Were they "red hot" or "white hot"?

2. How angry were they? Did it seem as though they had just been released from a long prison sentence on some other hostile planet?

3. Were they bitter? On a scale of 1-100 how would you rate the bitterness of the portions your men were forced to eat?

4. What is the most common injury suffered as a result of these angry meteors? a) Severe blistering burns B) Large holes ripped into flesh c) Blunt trauma wounds to the skull and chest d) "Meteor Shock"

5. Would you welcome these furious meteors onto your soil again the future? Or do you prefer they seek anger management classes beforehand?

Thanks for your time :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

What a bunch of puss nodules! :mad:

Hey WHINO how ya feeling up there? If you have a few extra minutes my men have reported back from the front that there appears to have been a massive meteor shower up on your hill! I have a few soldiers who've always had a sort of "Backyard Ambition" to study such phenomenon. They report as many as 500 meteors may have landed up in them thar hills and would like to enlist your help in studying this fascinating spectacle. They would much appreciate it if you would answer the following questions:

1. Were they hot? Were they "red hot" or "white hot"?

2. How angry were they? Did it seem as though they had just been released from a long prison sentence on some other hostile planet?

3. Were they bitter? On a scale of 1-100 how would you rate the bitterness of the portions your men were forced to eat?

4. What is the most common injury suffered as a result of these angry meteors? a) Severe blistering burns B) Large holes ripped into flesh c) Blunt trauma wounds to the skull and chest d) "Meteor Shock"

5. Would you welcome these furious meteors onto your soil again the future? Or do you prefer they seek anger management classes beforehand?

Thanks for your time :mad: :mad:

Boggs grasps his chest as the reality of what he has read soaks in. Crying out in intense pain as his heart begins to pump spasmodically, he feels the darkness closing in around him. His brain is spinning with the sudden realization that:

Goodale's post was actually funny!

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

He apparently has a thing with big guns, don't know why.

I see you're not acquainted with the works of Dr. Freud....</font>
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Angry Out Loud!! :mad:

I like you Keke!! :mad: I like you enough to spitfurious, blistering, white-hot, angry TNT in your general direction you TNT-Slathered chicken-eating maggot pouch!!!! :mad:

Angry Setup on the way within 3 days!! :mad:


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Originally posted by Keke:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I love you Keke!! love.gif I want to be your bitch so you can do all kinds of nasty things to me!!!! love.giflove.gif


I think I need another identity or sumfink... </font>

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You festering pouch of pond scum!! :mad: Get that smiley face out of my thread right nooooowwwww amoeba crotch!! :mad: Get that smiley face the f*ck out of my thread right this minute you bubble gum chewing, walrus-looking piece of sh*t!! :mad: :mad: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You festering pouch of pond scum!! :mad: Get that smiley face out of my thread right nooooowwwww amoeba crotch!! :mad: Get that smiley face the f*ck out of my thread right this minute you bubble gum chewing, walrus-looking piece of sh*t!! :mad: :mad: NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!! :mad:

What he means by this is that he takes his love(!) for his fellow man,very seriously :D :mad:

[ May 13, 2003, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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