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Quick Andrew, send me your address. High time you get rewarded with vino...

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Yup, you Andrew Fox. The modder gentleman. Send me your address and I'll send you 6 bottles SA wine. No plonk BTW, just the good stuff, as I realised that I have so much of your mods on my HDD that it is abouth time that you get rewarded for your many hours of CM dedication. E-mail is in the profile.

That's it!


Charl Theron




I have never read a review that made me less sure of humanity's ability to finish out the decade, let alone the next millenium.

Obviously this 'Reviewer' [of CMBB] is capable of using a computer, and even finding employment (or at least the right to display their almost inspired lack of intelligence under the auspices of an organization), but it's equally clear that they're both incapable, and unashamed of their inability, to actually come to grips with something that requires more intelligent focus and mental participation than an arcade game. On this planet thousands are daily made homeless, crippled, and even killed in pointless and heart-rending incidents of political, ethnic and religious conflict. If any such incident had managed to whack this reviewer, we'd have to consider it worth the anguishSeanachai, CMBB Forum, 10/12/2002.

[ May 08, 2003, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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  • 2 months later...

My many hours of looking/playing with Andrew Fox mods in CM has now been paid in kind. He reports the consignment arrived safely at his door.

Keeping certain select people drunk, including BFC members, have paid off. Thank me. Why you might ask? 'Cause Charles coded the Sturm Tiger into CMBB while under vino influence :D

Cheers Andrew!

Charl Theron




I have never read a review that made me less sure of humanity's ability to finish out the decade, let alone the next millenium. Obviously this 'Reviewer' [of CMBB] is capable of using a computer, and even finding employment (or at least the right to display their almost inspired lack of intelligence under the auspices of an organization), but it's equally clear that they're both incapable, and unashamed of their inability, to actually come to grips with something that requires more intelligent focus and mental participation than an arcade game. On this planet thousands are daily made homeless, crippled, and even killed in pointless and heart-rending incidents of political, ethnic and religious conflict. If any such incident had managed to whack this reviewer, we'd have to consider it worth the anguishSeanachai, CMBB Forum, 10/12/2002.

[ April 26, 2003, 04:22 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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