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Some CMMOS concerns and ?'s

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A few new questions - I hope (Some BO some BB):

Lets get this out of the way now, I am becoming a mod slut. (Good or Bad ... I dunno)

1. When I am using CMMOS for BO mods, (After a solid backup of core files) should I use a fresh install from the CD ... or should I install Maddog pack first and then and fixed bmps, etc.(What I consider my standard installation).

I know Alec's Normandy MOD specifically states it should be added to a fresh non modded install, but I am not sure about the others. Weren't some new essential files added in the maddog pack ... kinda of a graphic addon from the BFC guys?

What I did so far was a fresh non modded install, and then I added the Normandy MOD. (Which I renamed and gave its own folder, so I could swap it out whenever I felt the urge)

I then reverted back to the original BMPs and then began adding all the CMMOS mods.

I plan to then back that BMP folder up, so I can have swap it out too if needed (Although I wont be able to use CMMOS then)

I plan to also add the maddog pack to the base files and create its own folder as well.

But the inital question remains, should the maddog pack be installed into the (What I am calling) Cmmos BMP folder? Do any of the other CMMOS mods modify the maddog pack files?

I noticed CMMOS has a MDMP option in the filed and stream, but it is much smaller ... is it essentially the same thing? How is it different?

What I want to do eventually is mod out a BMP set that I like best and then just keep it. However trying to rename all of the cmmos mods to try out different combinations just takes more time than I wish to give up. (I'd rather be playing). So I figured, I would use Cmmos to help me get it the way I wanted, then maybe just sort of forget about it. (Example I love TAL's BB trees, but can only find CMMOS versions for BO), etc. etc.

2. I tried CMMOS with BB and although I know it worked and all, after all of the scrambling and double clicking, none of my units were decked out in their new bmps. I know it depends on year and season for some mods like uniforms. However, do the vehicle mods work that way also? I tried to install Gordon's Dunlegrau grey mod in BB, and they worked in one scenario and not another. That leads me to believe that my intial hunch is correct. So can someone shove me in the right direction to work out what mods appear during which time? (Does that make sense?)I am obviously not a GROG yet ... but I am willing to learn smile.gif

3. When I install a non Cmmos'ed mod into my bmp folder and then do a restore type thing with CMMOS, does it literaly restore to the original BMP's, or does it restore to whatever the bmp was before I cmmosed it? (Again, does that make sense?)

Example: I install panther mod not cmmos'ed and then install a cmmos panther mod. When Cmmos backs up the original file ... before it replaces it, does it save my non cmmos'ed bmp?(The non cmmos panther mod)

Likewise, when I decide to revert back via CMMOS, would it revert back to my non cmmos'ed panther mod or the stock graphic?

Thanks for the help,

MFOS - Mouth Full of Spiders

PS. Happy Superbowl and thanks for the patience and understanding. This game had become an addiction and I pleased to be part of this wonderful community of gamers and Grogs.

[ January 27, 2003, 12:55 AM: Message edited by: MFOS ]

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