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I just lost my virginity...

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I just played my first game against a human (TCP/IP) and got my clock cleaned. It felt great! :D

Anyway, as a hard core Soviet player, here are a few tips I "learned" the hard way.

- Always bring along a few Tank hunter teams and AT rifles. Nothing is more embarising than having a HT rape half your forces. redface.gif

- Use support weapons in mixed teams. Ie 82mm, 50mm and a Maxim all work together.

- If you can, take the SG43(sp?) over the maxim any day. It's faster and lighter, hence it moves and sets up quicker.

- An arty spotter with a radio can bring down a good amount of pain even in a ME battle. Trust me on this.

Well, I'm off to get my ass kicked again.

P.S. The guy was Finnish. What chance did I have?

[ April 12, 2003, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Ah, 't was a great game, thanks for it. smile.gif

One thing I noticed, you spread your forces too thin, in my opinion. I had a 'fist' formed out of infantry, with 2 platoons acting as a bases of fire while the middle platoon advanced with the halftrack and the PSW, with the Stug providing covering fire from the hill backed up by HMGs.

This infantry kampfgruppe advanced from the south, trying to keep a cohesive formation in the limited cover that was available. It seemed you had an approximately company sized infantry force spread out evenly throughout the map, which gave me a decisive edge in firepower in the southern sector where my forces we're concentrated. The 81mm barrage helped me suppress your troops at the flag and move in to grab it, but I had trouble manouvering further because of your flanking troops. Overall, I managed to hold to flag while keeping your flanking forces at bay.

Concentrating forces where the enemy is weak is the key to victory.

Oh, and I learned not to constantly switch between targets of opportunity with my FO, way too many of my men got killed because I couldn't decide whether to attempt breakthrough at the flag or further south, so the barrage came a bit too late to have the effect I had hoped for.

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"Always bring along a few Tank hunter teams and AT rifles. Nothing is more embarising than having a HT rape half your forces."

I wouldn't waste points on TH teams for the russians, they very rarely get the job done. At rifles are ok here and there.

" Use support weapons in mixed teams. Ie 82mm, 50mm and a Maxim all work together."

Yes, good idea. Although the 50 mm mortar leaves quite a bit to be desired.

"If you can, take the SG43(sp?) over the maxim any day. It's faster and lighter, hence it moves and sets up quicker."

Dp lmg's are cheap as hell and work great in pairs, you should try that too.

" An arty spotter with a radio can bring down a good amount of pain even in a ME battle. Trust me on this."

Unfortunately they are very very expensive point wise for the russians, so, no thank you. smile.gif

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I wouldn't waste points on TH teams for the russians, they very rarely get the job done. At rifles are ok here and there.

Not if they are carrying RPG grenades. Isn't that right, oneirogen?



A long time ago I tested them on all sorts of German tanks. Sturm Tigers and Jagdpathers were either killed or immoblized in one hit.

...with the Stug providing covering fire from the hill backed up by HMGs.

I really messed up in the unit selection. The 45mm gun on the T-70 just can't handle a Stug. That's why I threw that recon platoon at it in desperation.

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