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Where to find RobO's Quick Campaign generator

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****. Well, I suppose it couldn't last forever. I lost contact some time ago with the guy who graciously provided the space for me some years ago. I've never paid a single penny for it.

I have all the files, but never got around to reestablishing contact and download the site setup. I lost it myself in a harddisk crash half a year ago.

I can send you the basic stuff - the CMBB rules and spreadsheet zip up to under 2Mb. I need to know if you want the rules in pdf or MS Word format. And I need to know if you can use the spreadsheet (you need Excel, the reader won't do it). Email me at my get2net.dk addy (robert.olesen)

If anyone can suggest a good place to put it then I'd be interested. There's apparently still a demand. I suppose there are a number of free file upload providers today - that could be a start. Do you know any good ones (minimal hazzle, easy to use)?

EDIT: Figured that I might as well post them on CM Mods. Look for my mods and/or for ROQC.

So far I've posted the CMBB version. The CMAK version will follow.

[ July 07, 2007, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]

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Found on CMMODS 4 sets of zip for ROQC, CMBB version :

ROQC CMBB Example campaigns

ROQC CMBB Manual version


ROQC CMBB MS Office version

There is still nothing for the CMAK version. Now, will take some time to read the rules.

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The CMAK files are up now. No maps here. They are optional anyway, but I've found them quite good to use. They help alleviate some of the awkward randomness of the battle generator in the game.

Good luck and have fun - and do ask questions if you have any. Email is the safest method, I don't check in here all that often (you were lucky). I did my best to make the rules simple and accessible, but they are somewhat complex - inevitably.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your support force changes from game to game. You buy a new support force for each QB. Only your core force is (fairly) constant.

Thus, the experience of the support force changes from game to game, while the experience of your core forces changes with battle experience and casualties/replacements.

Buy the support force you prefer within the limits of experience the game gives you and the points available in the different categories.

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I just wanted to be sure that your QC didnt tell me what the support troop's exp should be. I will set to Random in the QB generator.

I seem to recall now that if you chose all green troops for example, a few conscript and also regular units would be in your force, which tends to equal out overall to green for the whole force. I dont like this....by god, if im forced to deal with green troops.....id rather have all green instead of a handful of reg/conscript's thrown in!!! You cant even set cover acrcs for them....kind of seems ridiculous historically to have conscript SS Inf in July '42. Ill stop whining....thanks Robert!

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Who says that SS always will fight with SS? But there's nothing stopping you from adding a die roll for support troop quality. Use a simple table and a real die if you like - no need for a high tech solution. You seem to have an idea of what you want it to be like.

But remember, part of CM and ROQC is dealing with the challenges they throw at you.

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Originally posted by Snowbart:

Ahh, I see...just b/c I rolled an "Inf only" battle doesnt necessarily mean I must use SS Inf just b/c that's my core force makeup. I could choose any kind of Inf(FJ, LW, Heer, etc)?

Actually, I'm a bit unsure about that. I frankly don't remember how this works (have to try a campaign, there seems to be a series of questions these days). Searching on SS in the rules, I get a reference to the Exploit force (not support force) in 4.4.3 k). That's it. So, if you have the option to choose SS for your support force, then feel free to do it. Or let the troop quality decide. Whatever you like and feel to be reasonable.

Let me quote section 1.2 of the rules:

I have strived to make this campaign easy to use with simple rules, while providing variety and challenge. Several design decisions have been guided by this principle. The aim is to provide enjoyment and perhaps teach a bit of history along the way. It is not to provide meticulous historical accuracy.

The campaign is not set in stone. Feel free to modify it to suit your own preferences.

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  • 7 months later...

I've been enjoying ROQC for about a year now. It's made single player worth while as I've gotten better against the AI.

I was wondering about any future additions for the minor axis. Through a search, Robert, you needed more information on the respected countries.

ROQC is superb as is. I just want to announce my support and continued interest in the campaign.

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  • 4 months later...

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