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Is there an "undo" ?

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Good god if there isnt there should be.

For instance, you just get done slowly placing some insane number of units... then you select them all to chose say "hide"

Then, forget you have them all selected, and try to move 1 unit.. then the whole damned army gets re-postioned all over the place.

Is there a "undo last placement" or some such? Or do i get to put another check next to "suck it up troy, cant do that" lol :(

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Nope, no such beast as an undo function for ALMOST anything. The only thing you can undo is artillery targeting. Let's say you have some artillery fire plotted, and you adjust fire or otherwise change the spotters target, a new order shows up on his order menu to restet the target to what it was at the beginning of that turn.

So in other words, your SOL.


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For instance, you just get done slowly placing some insane number of units... then you select them all to chose say "hide"

Then, forget you have them all selected, and try to move 1 unit.. then the whole damned army gets re-postioned all over the place.

You'd think though, that this kind of command should be possible. All kinds of programs, not just games have it. It would be hand for the setup phase, not necessarily for the rest of the game. I know I've down exactly the same thing Troy did, more than once. Really annoying....
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