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Like Big Scenarios? Check out my stuff at the Depot.

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If you do, take a look at my scenarios at the Depot.


Okhvat Station

Tank Attack at Okhvat


South of Kharkov

The Road to Sabinovka

Generally, these are battalion (+) sized engagements on maps as big as CMBB will allow. This allows for historic-sized engagements, freedom of maneuver, and realistic OOBs.

I feel that scenarios created under these parameters get CM as close to 'the real war' as possible. That is my goal.

Some are tank battles, some are infantry only, some allow combined arms for one side or the other.

My design philosophy also includes taking time pressure off of the attacker. Historically, battalion sized attacks almost always took hours to complete, so 30 and 40 minute time limits in CM don't make sense to me. These scenarios are all 90-120 turns, so that tactics are not dictated by an artificial 'game clock'. This allows for realistic tactics, that play out in a more historically-accurate amount of time. If the players don't need all of the time, then they can end the game by ceasefire.

Lest you think that the time allotment makes things too easy for the attacker, be assured that there is a trade off here! That time comes with an added responsibility on the part of the attacker to keep casualties as low as possible (just as in real life). In all scenarios, the objective flags are worth much less than the VP value of the forces involved. This way, casualties will generally determine who wins and loses the scenario.

Also, due to the length of the scenarios, small arms ammunition for both sides is often maxed out. This simulates either a double heavy combat load, or a small amount of resupply at some point during the scenario.

Part of the maneuver element also means that forces never start in contact in these scenarios. The attacking player will have to move into contact with the enemy. That generally means an approach march for the attacker that may take 20 turns or so. Why not eliminate this portion of the game? I feel it adds an extra element of realism and challenge for the attacker generally not present in CM scenarios. The attacker cannot know exactly when or how contact with the enemy will be made, and may have to advance for some distace under enemy fire. If the attacker's approach march is sloppy, then he may have a hard time organizing his forces for the actual attack!

Because of the size and length of these scenarios, they are best played PBEM against a human opponent. Plan on a long game with a friend.

My newest addition is a very realistic-sized depiction of the attack made by 'Grossdeutschland' at the village of Kamienka.

Available here:


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Originally posted by Runyan99:

My newest addition is a very realistic-sized depiction of the attack made by 'Grossdeutschland' at the village of Kamienka.

Available here:


This is a second look at a topic covered by my own "GD - Assault on Kamienka" also at the depot. I see we've come to some common conclusions about the terrain.

Generally speaking, time is compressed in CM scenarios anyway - decisions that take you the player seconds would in real life take minutes; a 30 turn scenario may really be depicting two hours of actual combat.

Even with ammo maxed out, did your playtest show that the infantry was able to go the full 120 minutes without too much difficulty?

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Even with ammo maxed out, did your playtest show that the infantry was able to go the full 120 minutes without too much difficulty?
There hasn't been a playtest. Feel free to try it and send me your feedback.

As for the ammo, obviously the infantry cannot stay in constant combat for up to 120 minutes. Ammo usage will always be a concern. The best solution is not to commit your whole force immediately, but to form reserves at company and battalion level, and then commit fresh forces at opportune times throughout the game.

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Howdy Runyan,

If you want, throw one or all your scenarios up on the Proving Grounds and we'll give them a run through for you with feedback (review section and discussion area for each scenario offered). Link in the sig, hope to see your work there!

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