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"Must have" mods ?

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Thought I'd contribute to the "must-have mods" thread, as a means of thanking the selfless and hard-working modders who've made a great game into an _awesome_ visual experience!

If you're just starting to shop for mods I'd concentrate on terrain, as that adds both visual pleasure and playability. The highest priority should be a better grass/snow. I've tried all those available at cmmods and while all improve on the original, my favorite is the latest gridded grass, steppe and snow by Captain Wacky, with the more subdued grid lines. Flesh's Rough Grass is also excellent and helps see contours better than the default grass, if you don't like the grid lines. (I didn't at first, but got used to them...the subdued lines are much less intrusive than the original bold ones)

Ed's trees and tree bases are also great....I have all the bases installed and most of the trees. I did leave a few of the default trees, like the birch and one or two of the tall pines. I use the low-res versions of the tree bases as the high-res makes panning painful. (High-res grass is ok, though, on my P4-2.0 w/64 meg video) And BTW Ed's handle on cmmods.com is "Tanks a lot," if you are looking for his mods.

One mod not mentioned often but which I find very helpful is "Ruines transparente" by XBood. With this mod ruins still _look_ like ruins, but it's a lot easier to see your units in them. Before installing it I was "misplacing" a couple of units in the ruins every game!

The above mods are not only nice to look at, but make it easier to find your units and analyze the terrain. More in the category of "eye candy," but IMO Must-Have Eye Candy, are Juju's Satis-factory and stone bridge. His stone walls are great, too, as is NZN's hedge.

For vehicles, I am using only CMMOS mods for now, since the utility makes installation and switching _so_ much easier (and that leaves more time for gaming!) I have been using Gordon's dunkelgrau vehicle sets, and they are very nice, but the lighter grey of Canon's recent German mods is appealing and I'll probably switch over a little at a time. Mr Noobie's Russian tanks with numbers and slogans are excellent...and Panzermartin's wintry Su-122 looks especially nasty. Modders, any chance of packaging up your CMMOS vehicle mods in sets, as with Gordon's? Those of use still in the dark age of dial-up downloading would be grateful!

So thank you modders! You've made a happy CMBBer into a _very_ happy CMBBer! smile.gif > :D


[ February 05, 2003, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: SFJaykey ]

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